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“While skydiving, the penguin consulted a squirrel on the best technique for making a snowman in Hawaii.”
consult (verb) – To seek advice, information, or guidance from someone or something with expertise or authority; to consider or refer to a source for information or opinion.
⇒相談する – 専門知識や権威を持つ人やものからアドバイス、情報、またはガイダンスを求めること。情報や意見を考慮したり、参照したりするための情報源に頼ること。
★ The word “consult” originates from the Latin word “consultare,” which means “to deliberate, consider, or consult.” It implies seeking advice or information to make informed decisions or to gather insights from knowledgeable sources.
(1) I need to consult my lawyer before signing the contract.
(2) The committee consulted various experts to gather insights on the issue.
(3) Before making a decision, it’s wise to consult different sources and consider multiple perspectives.
(4) I consulted the map to find the best route to my destination.
(5) The team decided to consult with the project manager for guidance on the next steps.