
【大学入試頻出英単語】”commit”「(commit oneself または受身形で)深くかかわる;(罪など)を犯す」をアリエヘン例文と画像で覚えよう!(音声つき)

★ 英単語ターゲット1900(6訂版)★ Stock4500 ★ LEAP★ システム英単語(5訂版)★ 速読英単語必修編(7訂版)を独自に研究&データベース化し、5冊の単語帳のいずれにも見出し・太文字で登場する単語469にまとめた「入試に四六時中でる英単語」から毎回1単語、あり得ない例文と画像でお届けします!アリエヘン!

“The ghost committed to going on a haunted house tour, but got scared and disappeared.”


★ Commit (verb) – To perform or carry out an action, especially with a sense of dedication, obligation, or responsibility; or to pledge, promise, or entrust oneself to a particular course of action or decision.

⇒約束する、責任を負う – 特に献身的な感覚、義務感、または責任感を持って行動を行う。または特定の行動や決定に自分自身を委ねたり、約束したりする。

★ The word “commit” comes from the Latin word “committere,” which means “to entrust, consign, or connect together.” It implies a strong dedication or obligation to follow through with an action or decision.


【Example Sentences】

(1) He committed to studying every day in order to achieve his academic goals.


(2) The company committed to reducing its carbon footprint by implementing sustainable practices.


(3) She committed herself to the task at hand and worked diligently to complete it.


(4) The organization is committed to providing equal opportunities for all its employees.


(5) He committed a crime and was sentenced to prison for his actions.
