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“The ants established a colony on the moon and began hosting picnics with the aliens.”


★ Colony (noun) – A group of individuals, typically of the same species, living together in a close association and forming a cooperative or interdependent community.

⇒植民地 – 同種の個体が密集して生活し、協力的で相互依存的な共同体を形成する集団。

★ The word “colony” originated from the Latin word “colonia,” which means “colony” or “settlement.” It refers to a group of organisms, such as animals or plants, that establish a community in a particular area or habitat.


【Example Sentences】

(1) The honeybees built their colony in the hollow of a tree trunk.


(2) Penguins are known for their large colonies, where they gather in large numbers for breeding and raising their young.


(3) The coral reefs are home to numerous colonies of colorful fish and other marine organisms.


(4) The ant colony efficiently organizes different tasks among its members, such as foraging, nest building, and defense.


(5) During the Age of Exploration, many European countries established colonies in various parts of the world to expand their influence and resources.

