
“Sleep on it.”の意味は? 【英会話・大学入試に超絶出る英語口語表現フレーズ・イディオム】

☆今日のフレーズ:”Sleep on it.”「よく考えてみます」

皆さん、こんにちは!今日は、英語の表現「Sleep on it.」についてお話しします。この表現を聞いて、どんなイメージが浮かびますか?文字通り「その上で寝る」と訳すと少し奇妙に聞こえるかもしれませんね。実は、この表現には深い意味が込められているんです。

Sleep on it.」は、重要な決定を下す前に、一晩考えてみる、または時間をかけてよく考えてみるという意味を持つ表現です。例えば、友人から大きな提案を受けたときに、「I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.」(一晩考えてみて、明日返事します)と言うかもしれません。



使い方は意外と簡単です。重要な決定を下す前に時間をかけて考えたいときに「I’ll sleep on it.」と言えばOK。この表現は慎重さと思慮深さを示す印象を与えます。

ビジネスシーンでもこの表現をよく耳にします。例えば、契約の締結や大きな投資の決定を迫られたときに、「Let me sleep on it and I’ll give you my final decision tomorrow.」(一晩考えさせてください。明日最終決定をお伝えします)と言うことがあります。

また、日常生活でも使えます。友人から旅行の誘いを受けたときに、「That sounds great, but let me sleep on it. I need to check my schedule.」(素晴らしそうだけど、ちょっと考えさせて。スケジュールを確認する必要があるから)と返事することもできます。



– “I need to think it over.” (よく考える必要があります)
– “Let me mull it over.” (じっくり考えさせてください)
– “I’ll get back to you on that.” (後ほど返事します)

これらの表現も、「Sleep on it.」と同じように、決定を急がずに考える時間が欲しいときに使えます。ただし、「Sleep on it.」は特に一晩や数日の時間をかけて考えることを示唆します。


– “That’s a big decision. I think I need to sleep on it before giving you an answer.” (それは大きな決断ですね。返事する前に一晩考えさせてください。)
– “The job offer sounds interesting, but can I sleep on it and let you know tomorrow?” (その仕事のオファーは興味深いですが、一晩考えて明日お返事してもいいですか?)
– “I’m not sure about buying that car. I’ll sleep on it and decide next week.” (その車を買うかどうか迷っています。一週間ほど考えて決めたいと思います。)

英語の表現の中には、このように文化や考え方が反映されているものがたくさんあります。「Sleep on it.」を覚えて使ってみると、英語でのコミュニケーションがより豊かになりますよ。


フレーズ:Sleep on it.


例文:I’m not sure about the proposal. I’ll sleep on it and give you my answer tomorrow.




☆ Today’s Phrase: “Sleep on it.” (Meaning: “I’ll think it over carefully”)

Hello everyone! Today, we’ll be discussing the English expression “Sleep on it.” What image comes to mind when you hear this phrase? If translated literally as “sleep on top of it,” it might sound a bit strange. In fact, this expression carries a deeper meaning.

Sleep on it” is a phrase used to express the idea of thinking carefully about an important decision overnight or taking time to consider something thoroughly. For example, when a friend makes a significant proposal, you might say, “I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.”

What’s interesting about this expression is how it connects “sleep” with “careful consideration.” During sleep, our brains organize information and sometimes find solutions to problems. This phrase uses that concept metaphorically to express the act of thinking deeply. It’s similar to the Japanese expression “hitobanne saseru” (let it rest for a night), but it’s more widely applicable.

Usage and Situations

Using this phrase is surprisingly simple. When you want to take time to think about an important decision, you can just say, “I’ll sleep on it.” This expression gives an impression of caution and thoughtfulness.

You’ll often hear this phrase in business settings. For instance, when pressed to make a decision about signing a contract or making a major investment, one might say, “Let me sleep on it and I’ll give you my final decision tomorrow.”

It’s also useful in daily life. If a friend invites you on a trip, you could reply, “That sounds great, but let me sleep on it. I need to check my schedule.”

Similar Expressions and How to Distinguish Them

Here are a few similar expressions:

– “I need to think it over.”
– “Let me mull it over.”
– “I’ll get back to you on that.”

These expressions can also be used when you want time to think without rushing to a decision. However, “Sleep on it” specifically suggests taking a night or a few days to consider.

Practical Examples

– “That’s a big decision. I think I need to sleep on it before giving you an answer.”
– “The job offer sounds interesting, but can I sleep on it and let you know tomorrow?”
– “I’m not sure about buying that car. I’ll sleep on it and decide next week.”

Many English expressions reflect cultural ideas and ways of thinking. Learning and using “Sleep on it” can enrich your English communication skills.
