問1 次の(1)~(5)の英文の空所に入る単語1語を書きなさい。ただし、英文の意味がとおるように、( )内の太字で書かれた単語を適切に変化させること。
(1) The athlete’s _________ performance in the final race was disappointing. (MEDIOCRITY)
(2) The company’s _________ to address customer complaints led to a decline in sales. (REFUSE)
(3) The _________ of the new technology was a major breakthrough for the industry. (DEVELOP)
(4) The artist’s _________ depiction of the landscape captured the beauty of nature. (REALISM)
(5) The politician’s _________ speech failed to inspire the audience. (ELOQUENCE)
問2 次の(1)~(10)の上下の英文が同様の意味になるように、空欄に入る2~5語の英語表現を書きなさい。ただし、太字で書かれた単語をそのままの形で含めること。なお、文頭の語は最初の文字を大文字で書くこと。
(1) I regret not having pursued my dream of becoming a musician.
I _______________ my dream of becoming a musician.
(2) It is likely that the company will expand its operations overseas.
The _______________ its operations overseas.
(3) Could you help me organize this event?
Could you _______________ this event?
(4) “I plan to write a novel next year,” she said to him.
She _______________ a novel the following year.
(5) It was unnecessary for you to bring a dessert to the potluck.
You _______________ a dessert to the potluck.
(6) The heavy traffic caused a delay in our arrival.
The heavy traffic _______________ in our arrival.
(7) Although it was cold, we went for a walk in the park.
_______________, we went for a walk in the park.
(8) Would you mind making an effort to be more punctual?
I would _______________ to be more punctual.
(9) It’s not important whether you like the food or not; you have to eat it.
You have to eat the food, _______________ it or not.
(10) I’m certain that she will be a great success.
She _______________ a great success.
(1) mediocre
(2) refusal
(3) development
(4) realistic
(5) ineloquent
(1) wish I had pursued
(2) prospects are (that) the company will expand / prospects of the company expanding
(3) give me your assistance in organizing / offer your assistance with organizing
(4) mentioned (that) she was planning to write / mentioned her plan to write
(5) needn’t have brought
(6) brought about a delay
(7) In spite of the cold
(8) appreciate it if you made an effort / appreciate your making an effort
(9) regardless of whether you like
(10) is bound to be
(1) mediocre: 「平凡な、二流の」という意味の形容詞。
(2) refusal: 「拒否、拒絶」という意味の名詞。
(3) development: 「開発、発展」という意味の名詞。
(4) realistic: 「現実的な、写実的な」という意味の形容詞。
(5) ineloquent: 「雄弁でない、説得力のない」という意味の形容詞。否定の接頭辞 “in-” が付く。
(1) wish I had pursued: 仮定法過去完了。「~していればよかったのに」。
(2) prospects are (that) the company will expand / prospects of the company expanding: 「~する可能性が高い、見込みがある」。
(3) give me your assistance in organizing / offer your assistance with organizing: 「~を手伝う、援助する」。
(4) mentioned (that) she was planning to write / mentioned her plan to write: 間接話法 / 名詞節。
(5) needn’t have brought: 「~する必要はなかったのに(実際はした)」。
(6) brought about a delay: 「~を引き起こした、もたらした」。
(7) In spite of the cold: 「寒かったにもかかわらず」。
(8) appreciate it if you made an effort / appreciate your making an effort: 「~していただけるとありがたい」。
(9) regardless of whether you like: 「~かどうかに関わらず」。
(10) is bound to be: 「きっと~になる」。