“The aliens were caught red-handed trying to steal the Eiffel Tower.”
“Caught red-handed” (idiom) – This phrase is used when someone is caught in the act of doing something wrong. It implies that the person is clearly guilty and there is no room for denial.
“Caught red-handed”の語源は、古い英語の法律用語である「red hand」に由来しています。これは、盗みを働いた人がその現場で取り押さえられ、その手がまだ血で赤く染まっている状態を指していました。
(1) The thief was caught red-handed as he was trying to steal the painting.
(2) I caught my brother red-handed when he was sneaking into my room to take my video game.
(3) The police caught the smugglers red-handed with a truck full of illegal goods.