“My pet cow is a real cash cow. Every time I milk her, she gives me dollar bills instead of milk!”
“Cash cow” (idiom) – This term refers to a business or asset that consistently generates substantial profits, often with little maintenance or additional investment required.
“Cash cow”の語源は、酪農業に由来しています。乳牛は定期的に乳を出し、農家に安定した収入をもたらします。この概念が、安定した収益源を生み出すビジネスや資産の比喩として使われるようになりました。
(1) For many years, the company’s flagship product has been their cash cow, generating a steady stream of revenue.
(2) The successful restaurant chain has become a cash cow for the parent company, consistently delivering high profits.
(3) The popular mobile game has been a cash cow for the developers, with millions of daily active users making in-app purchases.