“Two arguing ninjas decided to bury the hatchet, but they couldn’t find it because it was too well camouflaged!”
Bury the hatchet (idiom) – To make peace or to settle one’s differences, usually after a period of disputes or disagreements.
⇒仲直りする – 通常、一連の争いや意見の相違の後に、平和を築くか、違いを解決すること。
“Bury the hatchet”の語源は、敵対する部族が戦争を終えて平和を築くために文字通り戦斧を埋めるというアメリカ先住民の習慣から来ています。つまり、このイディオムは、争いを終えて和解することを表しています。
(1) After years of rivalry, the two companies decided to bury the hatchet and collaborate on a new project.
(2) The two politicians buried the hatchet for the sake of national unity.
(3) The childhood friends buried the hatchet after a long-standing disagreement.
(4) The family members decided to bury the hatchet during the holiday season.
(5) The team members buried the hatchet and worked together to meet the project deadline.
Welcome to English in a Minute.
A hatchet is a small axe. Why would you want to bury one?
A: Dan, you really shouldn’t have said that to Denise.
D: She started it. She stole my secret muffin recipe!
A: She wouldn’t do that, Dan. She knows how important your muffin recipe is to you.
D: Then why do her muffins taste exactly like mine, Anna?
A: Dan, look, you need to talk to her and bury the hatchet.
To “bury the hatchet” means to make peace. We often use this expression when there are two opposing people or groups that settle their disagreement about something. Unfortunately, it can be hard to bury the hatchet when it involves Dan’s muffins.
「English in a Minute」へようこそ!
A(女性): ダン、あなたはデニスにあんなことを言うべきじゃなかったわ。
D(男性): 彼女が始めたんだ。彼女は僕の秘密のマフィンのレシピを盗んだ!
A: ダン、彼女はそんなことをしないわ。あなたのマフィンのレシピがあなたにとってどれほど重要か、彼女は知っているの。
D: それなら、なぜ彼女のマフィンの味がまさに私のものと同じなんだ、アンナ?
A: ダン、いい、彼女と話して仲直りする必要があるわ。