


III Choose the most appropriate sentence from the following list (a ~ h) for each item (25~31).

(a) By offering financial incentives, city planners hope to encourage early adoption of these integrated systems.
(b) These initiatives not only gather public feedback but also foster a sense of communal ownership.
(c) Public transportation networks, in particular, benefit from real-time data to optimize routes and reduce delays.
(d) However, ensuring equitable access to smart city benefits remains a formidable challenge.
(e) Businesses eager to capitalize on emerging markets often partner with local governments to pilot new solutions.
(f) Moreover, cybersecurity experts highlight the potential for large-scale digital attacks if urban networks are left vulnerable.
(g) Several global conferences and task forces have since emerged, aiming to standardize guidelines and share technical expertise.

Context for Blanks (25–31):

Smart cities, once a concept confined to speculative fiction, have become a strategic priority for governments worldwide. Characterized by the use of digital technologies and data-driven governance, these urban environments promise increased efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and an improved quality of life for residents. Authorities hope that innovations ranging from sensor-equipped streetlights to blockchain-based municipal services will transform city management. Skeptics, however, question whether such high-tech interventions truly address systemic social inequalities. (25) In many respects, the success of a smart city hinges on careful coordination among public officials, private firms, and local communities.

Historically, the push toward urban modernization was guided by broader economic and social forces: population growth, resource scarcity, and rapid urban migration. Early “smart” experiments emerged in the late 20th century, when municipal governments first began deploying computer systems to automate certain administrative tasks. Over time, these trial projects laid the groundwork for more ambitious programs. (26) As digital infrastructure matured, city planners started exploring advanced analytics, sensing devices, and interconnected platforms to streamline public services.

Transportation has often been cited as the flagship domain for smart city innovations. Cities are installing networks of sensors and traffic cameras to gather data on congestion patterns, while mobile apps guide commuters to alternative routes in real time. (27) For example, some metropolitan areas have introduced dynamic pricing for toll roads, adjusting fees based on traffic volume to mitigate rush-hour bottlenecks. Even public bike-sharing systems use data algorithms to redistribute bicycles efficiently. Despite these advancements, critics argue that technology alone cannot solve longstanding urban issues like inadequate public funding or fragmented administrative structures.

An important aspect of smart city development is citizen engagement, where residents are invited to participate in shaping policy decisions and pilot programs. Town hall meetings and online platforms serve as channels to share proposals, voice concerns, and collaborate on localized projects. (28) This participatory model has gained momentum as public awareness of data-driven policymaking grows. As a result, trust in governmental transparency has become a key factor influencing the pace and direction of technological adoption.

Funding mechanisms also play a crucial role in propelling smart city initiatives. Large-scale investments are required for building 5G networks, upgrading transportation infrastructures, and retrofitting existing facilities with advanced sensors. (29) Nevertheless, questions arise about whether public-private partnerships might place commercial priorities above social welfare, reinforcing socio-economic divides rather than bridging them. The interplay between market-driven solutions and public interests remains a topic of debate.

International collaboration, meanwhile, has intensified as local governments seek guidance on best practices and technical standards. Institutions like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have launched programs to help cities navigate the complexities of digital transformation. (30) Regional alliances further facilitate knowledge transfer, enabling officials and engineers to learn from each other’s pilot projects and scalable models. These efforts underscore the reality that no two cities are alike, and a one-size-fits-all blueprint for “smartness” does not exist.

Looking ahead, many experts anticipate that the next wave of smart city innovations will extend beyond urban cores, shaping suburban and rural infrastructures as well. The expansion of autonomous vehicles, drone delivery services, and next-generation wireless networks promises to redefine mobility and connectivity. (31) Yet alongside these possibilities, concerns over data ethics, privacy rights, and equitable resource distribution persist. How policymakers address these multidimensional issues will ultimately determine whether smart cities can fulfill their promise of inclusive and sustainable development.


  • (25) → (c)
  • (26) → (a)
  • (27) → (e)
  • (28) → (b)
  • (29) → (d)
  • (30) → (g)
  • (31) → (f)


(25) の解説

Skeptics… question whether such high-tech interventions truly address social inequalities. (25) In many respects, the success…

  • 直前では「ハイテク介入が社会的不平等を本当に解決するのか疑問視する声」がある、と述べています。
  • 次文では「スマートシティの成功は…」と話が続きますから、(25)では「実際にどういう分野が効果を受けるのか」といったコンテクストがほしいところ。
  • (c) Public transportation networks, in particular, benefit from real-time data to optimize routes and reduce delays. は、都市インフラの一例として交通機関を取り上げており、ハイテク介入が実際どう活かされるかを端的に表してから次文に「成功の鍵は…」と繋ぐのに適切です。

(26) の解説

Over time… more ambitious programs. (26) As digital infrastructure matured…

  • ここでは「初期の実験的なプロジェクトが、より大規模なプログラムの基盤となった」流れに続いています。
  • (26)には「次のステップとして、何が行われたか」「プランナーがどのような方法を取ったか」を述べる選択肢が自然です。
  • (a) By offering financial incentives, city planners hope to encourage early adoption of these integrated systems. は「市の計画担当者が、補助金などのインセンティブで新システム導入を促そうとしている」という内容で、まさに「より野心的なプログラム」に移行する具体策を示しており、文脈に合致します。

(27) の解説

For example… dynamic pricing for toll roads… Even public bike-sharing systems… (27) Despite these advancements…

  • 直前では交通分野の具体的事例(渋滞緩和策など)が並んでいます。
  • (27)の空所は「なぜこれらの事例が実現しているのか?」を補足する文が入るとスムーズ。
  • (e) Businesses eager to capitalize on emerging markets often partner with local governments to pilot new solutions. は「新興市場を開拓したい企業が自治体と組んで新しいソリューションを試験運用する」という内容で、動的料金やシェアバイク導入などを具体化する背景として適切です。
  • その後「Despite these advancements…」と続くため、「こうした取り組みが進んでいるが、なお課題がある」と流れが自然になります。

(28) の解説

An important aspect… is citizen engagement … Town hall meetings and online platforms… (28) This participatory model…

  • 直前までで「市民参加」が議論されており、(28)は「市民が具体的に参加する方法や場がある」という説明をさらに展開する文が望まれます。
  • (b) These initiatives not only gather public feedback but also foster a sense of communal ownership. は「こうした取り組みは市民の意見を集めるだけでなく、共同体への帰属感を育む」という内容で、市民参加の意義を深める形となり、次文“This participatory model…”への繋がりが自然です。

(29) の解説

Funding mechanisms… building 5G networks… (29) Nevertheless, questions arise about…

  • ここでは「巨額の投資が必要」と述べてから「しかしながら、公私連携に関する懸念もある」と言っています。
  • よって、(29)は「公平性や平等性に問題が出てくる」ことを示す逆説的ニュアンスが必要です。
  • (d) However, ensuring equitable access to smart city benefits remains a formidable challenge. は「しかしながら、スマートシティの恩恵を公平に享受させることは依然として大きな課題」という逆説マーカー付きの文で、まさに“Nevertheless, questions arise…”への流れを補強します。

(30) の解説

Institutions … launched programs… (30) Regional alliances further facilitate…

  • ここでは「国連などの国際機関が支援に乗り出している」流れです。
  • (30)には「協力・コラボレーションの強化」や「ガイドラインの標準化」といった話が出ると自然です。
  • (g) Several global conferences and task forces have since emerged, aiming to standardize guidelines and share technical expertise. は「複数のグローバル会議やタスクフォースが組織され、ガイドラインの標準化や技術的専門知識の共有を目指している」と述べ、ちょうど“Regional alliances further facilitate knowledge transfer…”へ繋がります。

(31) の解説

The expansion… promises to redefine mobility and connectivity. (31) Yet alongside these possibilities…

  • ここは「自動運転やドローン配送が都市だけでなく郊外や地方にも広がる」と続き、(31)では「その一方で懸念もある」という逆説の流れが想定されます。
  • (f) Moreover, cybersecurity experts highlight the potential for large-scale digital attacks if urban networks are left vulnerable. は「さらに、サイバーセキュリティの専門家は、大規模な攻撃のリスクを指摘している」という“逆説”というよりは追加の懸念を示す文であり、文中では“Yet alongside these possibilities…”で言う「新たな懸念」の具体例になります。
    • ディスコースマーカー “Moreover,” が「さらに」という加点のニュアンスで、「前文で示された懸念を受けて、より深刻な問題」としてサイバー攻撃リスクを取り上げる構造が整合的です。



Smart cities, once a concept confined to speculative fiction, have become a strategic priority for governments worldwide. Characterized by the use of digital technologies and data-driven governance, these urban environments promise increased efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and an improved quality of life for residents. Authorities hope that innovations ranging from sensor-equipped streetlights to blockchain-based municipal services will transform city management. Skeptics, however, question whether such high-tech interventions truly address systemic social inequalities. (25) Public transportation networks, in particular, benefit from real-time data to optimize routes and reduce delays. In many respects, the success of a smart city hinges on careful coordination among public officials, private firms, and local communities.

Historically, the push toward urban modernization was guided by broader economic and social forces: population growth, resource scarcity, and rapid urban migration. Early “smart” experiments emerged in the late 20th century, when municipal governments first began deploying computer systems to automate certain administrative tasks. Over time, these trial projects laid the groundwork for more ambitious programs. (26) By offering financial incentives, city planners hope to encourage early adoption of these integrated systems. As digital infrastructure matured, city planners started exploring advanced analytics, sensing devices, and interconnected platforms to streamline public services.

Transportation has often been cited as the flagship domain for smart city innovations. Cities are installing networks of sensors and traffic cameras to gather data on congestion patterns, while mobile apps guide commuters to alternative routes in real time. (27) Businesses eager to capitalize on emerging markets often partner with local governments to pilot new solutions. For example, some metropolitan areas have introduced dynamic pricing for toll roads, adjusting fees based on traffic volume to mitigate rush-hour bottlenecks. Even public bike-sharing systems use data algorithms to redistribute bicycles efficiently. Despite these advancements, critics argue that technology alone cannot solve longstanding urban issues like inadequate public funding or fragmented administrative structures.

An important aspect of smart city development is citizen engagement, where residents are invited to participate in shaping policy decisions and pilot programs. Town hall meetings and online platforms serve as channels to share proposals, voice concerns, and collaborate on localized projects. (28) These initiatives not only gather public feedback but also foster a sense of communal ownership. This participatory model has gained momentum as public awareness of data-driven policymaking grows. As a result, trust in governmental transparency has become a key factor influencing the pace and direction of technological adoption.

Funding mechanisms also play a crucial role in propelling smart city initiatives. Large-scale investments are required for building 5G networks, upgrading transportation infrastructures, and retrofitting existing facilities with advanced sensors. (29) However, ensuring equitable access to smart city benefits remains a formidable challenge. Nevertheless, questions arise about whether public-private partnerships might place commercial priorities above social welfare, reinforcing socio-economic divides rather than bridging them. The interplay between market-driven solutions and public interests remains a topic of debate.

International collaboration, meanwhile, has intensified as local governments seek guidance on best practices and technical standards. Institutions like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have launched programs to help cities navigate the complexities of digital transformation. (30) Several global conferences and task forces have since emerged, aiming to standardize guidelines and share technical expertise. Regional alliances further facilitate knowledge transfer, enabling officials and engineers to learn from each other’s pilot projects and scalable models. These efforts underscore the reality that no two cities are alike, and a one-size-fits-all blueprint for “smartness” does not exist.

Looking ahead, many experts anticipate that the next wave of smart city innovations will extend beyond urban cores, shaping suburban and rural infrastructures as well. The expansion of autonomous vehicles, drone delivery services, and next-generation wireless networks promises to redefine mobility and connectivity. (31) Moreover, cybersecurity experts highlight the potential for large-scale digital attacks if urban networks are left vulnerable. Yet alongside these possibilities, concerns over data ethics, privacy rights, and equitable resource distribution persist. How policymakers address these multidimensional issues will ultimately determine whether smart cities can fulfill their promise of inclusive and sustainable development.


(25) 特に公共交通機関では、リアルタイムのデータを活用して経路を最適化し、遅延を減らす取り組みが進んでいる。

(26) 統合型システムを早期に導入してもらうため、市の計画担当者は経済的インセンティブを提供しようとしている。

(27) 新興市場でのビジネスチャンスを見込む企業は、新たなソリューションの実証実験を行うために自治体と連携することが多い。

(28) これらの取り組みは市民の意見を集めるだけでなく、コミュニティへの帰属意識を育む効果もある。

(29) しかしながら、スマートシティの恩恵を誰もが公平に受けられるようにするには依然として大きな課題が残っている。

(30) その後、ガイドラインの標準化や技術的専門知識の共有を目指す複数の国際会議やタスクフォースが誕生している。

(31) さらに、サイバーセキュリティの専門家たちは、都市ネットワークが脆弱なまま放置されれば、大規模なデジタル攻撃が起こり得ると指摘している。