III Choose the most appropriate sentence from the following list (a ~ h) for each item (25–31).
Mark your choices on the separate answer sheet.
(a) However, some ethicists caution that overly optimistic views may ignore latent risks, from unintended gene mutations to broader social inequalities.
(b) They also collaborate with local universities to establish specialized training programs, ensuring that cutting-edge expertise is available to the next generation of researchers.
(c) In the early stages of CRISPR research, scientists focused primarily on monogenic diseases, hoping to revolutionize treatments for hereditary conditions.
(d) This cutting-edge platform relies on engineered enzymes that can precisely target and modify specific DNA segments, minimizing off-target effects.
(e) Pharmaceutical companies have begun investing heavily in the technology, anticipating a surge in demand for next-generation therapies.
(f) International guidelines mandate rigorous peer review of gene-editing studies, emphasizing transparency and adherence to safety protocols.
(g) Nevertheless, critics point out that making such breakthroughs widely accessible remains an enormous hurdle, particularly in countries with limited healthcare infrastructure.
Context for Blanks (25–31):
Gene editing, once a distant dream, has emerged as a transformative field in modern biology. Central to this evolution is CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), a powerful tool that allows researchers to alter genetic material with remarkable precision. Scientists envision a future in which inherited diseases can be corrected at their source, ushering in a new era of personalized medicine. Yet, debates persist: on one hand, proponents champion CRISPR’s potential to eradicate conditions like cystic fibrosis or sickle-cell anemia; on the other, skeptics warn of unintended consequences and ethical quandaries. (25) The delicate balance between scientific ambition and responsible oversight has thus become a defining theme in gene-editing discourse.
From its inception, CRISPR represented a significant leap beyond earlier gene-editing techniques. Researchers quickly realized that this method could be adapted to a broad range of organisms, from bacteria and plants to mammals, spurring rapid technological advancements. Yet ensuring the accuracy of the edits proved essential, as off-target modifications could lead to harmful mutations. (26) Early successes in controlled laboratory environments sparked hopes for larger-scale clinical trials, targeting diseases once considered incurable. Indeed, the shift from theoretical potential to tangible application happened at unprecedented speed.
At the policy level, governments worldwide have begun debating the extent to which gene-editing research should be regulated. Some nations have imposed strict rules limiting embryo editing, citing moral objections and concerns about “designer babies.” Others have established dedicated committees to evaluate safety data and weigh ethical dimensions. (27) These frameworks often involve multiple stakeholders, including medical professionals, patient advocacy groups, and the biotech industry. The resulting regulations vary widely, reflecting cultural values as much as scientific assessments.
Meanwhile, research institutions across the globe are forging partnerships that transcend borders. Collaborations enable the sharing of best practices, open data platforms, and joint funding initiatives. (28) In some regions, philanthropic organizations have taken the lead, sponsoring communal labs where advanced instrumentation is available to qualified scientists. Such endeavors underscore a key principle in emerging biotechnology: that no single entity, whether public or private, can drive innovation in isolation.
Amid the enthusiasm, commercial interests also play a pivotal role in shaping CRISPR’s trajectory. With the promise of novel therapies, startups and established firms alike have raced to file patents, launch pilot studies, and recruit top-tier talent. (29) For many, the global market’s potential is too immense to ignore, sparking a surge of entrepreneurial ventures eager to transform gene editing into lucrative business models. Economic gains, however, must be weighed against ethical imperatives and regulatory constraints.
One area that often ignites intense debate is the prospect of germline editing—the alteration of reproductive cells that could pass genetic changes on to future generations. Critics worry this could lead to unforeseen mutations in the human gene pool. Advocates counter that such interventions might eradicate debilitating inherited disorders. (30) As discussions grow more nuanced, the line between therapeutic necessity and enhancement can blur, further complicating policymaking. Bioethicists frequently underscore the importance of public engagement, reminding scientists that societal consensus cannot be overlooked.
Looking ahead, CRISPR’s influence on agriculture, wildlife conservation, and even climate resilience may rival its impact on human health. Researchers have proposed editing genes in crop species to increase yield or reduce pesticide dependence. Others consider releasing genetically modified insects to combat vector-borne diseases. (31) Yet as the frontiers of possibility expand, so too do the responsibilities shouldered by scientists, regulators, and the global community. How we navigate these technological waters will determine whether CRISPR becomes a widely embraced tool for human progress—or a catalyst for controversies that outpace our ethical frameworks.
(25) → (a)
(26) → (c)
(27) → (f)
(28) → (b)
(29) → (e)
(30) → (d)
(31) → (g)
(25) の解説
… skeptics warn of unintended consequences and ethical quandaries. (25) The delicate balance…
- 直前でCRISPRの潜在的リスクや倫理的課題が言及されています。
- (25)は「そうした懸念がありつつも」というニュアンスの文がハマる箇所。さらに次文に「科学的野心と責任ある監督のバランス」が述べられている点を考慮すると、ディスコースマーカーつきの逆説的表現がよい。
- (a) However, some ethicists caution… も逆説で始まりますが、よく見ると本文自体が「一方では懸念がある」と述べた直後なので、「However」の流れがすでにあるようにも思えます。
- ここでは(25)挿入部分が、まさに「懐疑派の注意喚起」の具体的説明文として最適。
- 本文「on the other [hand], skeptics warn…」に続いて(25)で「However, some ethicists caution…」として受けると自然です。
- 直後に「The delicate balance…」と続くため、(a) の「However, some ethicists caution…」という懐疑的意見が提示されてから「絶妙なバランスが求められる」という流れが明確になります。
(26) の解説
… off-target modifications could lead to harmful mutations. (26) Early successes in controlled…
- ここでは「CRISPRの精度が重要だ」という流れのあとに「初期の成功例がさらに希望を生んだ」という展開がきます。
- (26) は「初期の段階では主に~に注目していた」「これにより~が行われた」といった文が入りそうです。
- (c) In the early stages of CRISPR research, scientists focused primarily on monogenic diseases, hoping to revolutionize treatments for hereditary conditions. は「CRISPR研究の初期段階での焦点」に言及し、次の文「Early successes…」と直結します。
(27) の解説
Others have established dedicated committees… (27) These frameworks often involve multiple stakeholders…
- 前文では「ある国々は、倫理や安全性の審査のため委員会を設立した」と述べています。
- (27) の空所では、そうした委員会や枠組みが具体的にどう運用されているのか、そしてどのようなルールが存在しているかを補強する文が望ましいです。
- (f) International guidelines mandate rigorous peer review of gene-editing studies, emphasizing transparency and adherence to safety protocols. は「国際ガイドラインが厳格なピアレビューを義務づけている」という文で、倫理審査や規制フレームワークと同じ流れになります。
- そして続く「These frameworks often involve multiple stakeholders…」が自然に繋がります。
(28) の解説
Collaborations enable the sharing of best practices… (28) In some regions, philanthropic organizations…
- ここでは「各国の研究機関が連携している」という流れ。
- (28) は、そうした連携がどのように具体化しているかという例が入るのが自然です。
- (b) They also collaborate with local universities to establish specialized training programs… は「地域大学との連携で先進的な研修プログラムを整備している」という具体例で、前文の「連携によるベストプラクティス共有」に続きます。
- 次の文(“In some regions, philanthropic organizations…”)とあわせて「共同の取り組み」例を並行して紹介する流れになります。
(29) の解説
With the promise of novel therapies… recruit top-tier talent. (29) For many, the global market’s potential…
- ここで「企業がCRISPRに投資」「新規事業を立ち上げ、トップ人材を集めている」と言っています。
- (29) では「世界市場の可能性は大きい」「次世代医療への需要が高まる」といった内容が自然な接続。
- (e) Pharmaceutical companies have begun investing heavily in the technology, anticipating a surge in demand for next-generation therapies. は、まさに「商業面の盛り上がり」に触れる文で、(29)部分にぴったり。
(30) の解説
Advocates counter that such interventions might eradicate debilitating inherited disorders. (30) As discussions grow more nuanced…
- ここは「生殖細胞の編集」についての議論で「支持者は遺伝病を根絶できるかもしれないと主張する」という内容の直後です。
- (30) には「CRISPRが実際にどんな仕組みで編集を行うのか」「あるいは技術的特徴」への言及も考えられますが、直前は「生殖細胞編集の話題」のため、もう少し技術的または具体的補足が入り、続く「As discussions grow more nuanced…」につなげる文が欲しいところ。
- (d) This cutting-edge platform relies on engineered enzymes that can precisely target and modify specific DNA segments, minimizing off-target effects. は「CRISPRの技術的な概要」を述べており、「こうした遺伝病根絶への期待がどこからきているのか」を補足し、次文の「議論が一層複雑化している」という流れにスムーズに続きます。
(31) の解説
Others consider releasing genetically modified insects… (31) Yet as the frontiers of possibility expand…
- ここでは「農業や野生生物保護など人類全体にメリットがあるかもしれないが、同時に責任もある」という文脈です。
- (31) は「それでもなお、こうしたブレークスルーをあまねく普及させるのは大きな課題だ」というディスコースマーカー付きの逆説が入り、最終段落で締めに向かう流れが自然。
- (g) Nevertheless, critics point out that making such breakthroughs widely accessible… が「それでも懐疑的見方として、世界的普及には大きな障壁がある」と結びに持っていく表現となります。
Gene editing, once a distant dream, has emerged as a transformative field in modern biology. Central to this evolution is CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), a powerful tool that allows researchers to alter genetic material with remarkable precision. Scientists envision a future in which inherited diseases can be corrected at their source, ushering in a new era of personalized medicine. Yet, debates persist: on one hand, proponents champion CRISPR’s potential to eradicate conditions like cystic fibrosis or sickle-cell anemia; on the other, skeptics warn of unintended consequences and ethical quandaries. (25) However, some ethicists caution that overly optimistic views may ignore latent risks, from unintended gene mutations to broader social inequalities. The delicate balance between scientific ambition and responsible oversight has thus become a defining theme in gene-editing discourse.
From its inception, CRISPR represented a significant leap beyond earlier gene-editing techniques. Researchers quickly realized that this method could be adapted to a broad range of organisms, from bacteria and plants to mammals, spurring rapid technological advancements. Yet ensuring the accuracy of the edits proved essential, as off-target modifications could lead to harmful mutations. (26) In the early stages of CRISPR research, scientists focused primarily on monogenic diseases, hoping to revolutionize treatments for hereditary conditions. Early successes in controlled laboratory environments sparked hopes for larger-scale clinical trials, targeting diseases once considered incurable. Indeed, the shift from theoretical potential to tangible application happened at unprecedented speed.
At the policy level, governments worldwide have begun debating the extent to which gene-editing research should be regulated. Some nations have imposed strict rules limiting embryo editing, citing moral objections and concerns about “designer babies.” Others have established dedicated committees to evaluate safety data and weigh ethical dimensions. (27) International guidelines mandate rigorous peer review of gene-editing studies, emphasizing transparency and adherence to safety protocols. These frameworks often involve multiple stakeholders, including medical professionals, patient advocacy groups, and the biotech industry. The resulting regulations vary widely, reflecting cultural values as much as scientific assessments.
Meanwhile, research institutions across the globe are forging partnerships that transcend borders. Collaborations enable the sharing of best practices, open data platforms, and joint funding initiatives. (28) They also collaborate with local universities to establish specialized training programs, ensuring that cutting-edge expertise is available to the next generation of researchers. In some regions, philanthropic organizations have taken the lead, sponsoring communal labs where advanced instrumentation is available to qualified scientists. Such endeavors underscore a key principle in emerging biotechnology: that no single entity, whether public or private, can drive innovation in isolation.
Amid the enthusiasm, commercial interests also play a pivotal role in shaping CRISPR’s trajectory. With the promise of novel therapies, startups and established firms alike have raced to file patents, launch pilot studies, and recruit top-tier talent. (29) Pharmaceutical companies have begun investing heavily in the technology, anticipating a surge in demand for next-generation therapies. For many, the global market’s potential is too immense to ignore, sparking a surge of entrepreneurial ventures eager to transform gene editing into lucrative business models. Economic gains, however, must be weighed against ethical imperatives and regulatory constraints.
One area that often ignites intense debate is the prospect of germline editing—the alteration of reproductive cells that could pass genetic changes on to future generations. Critics worry this could lead to unforeseen mutations in the human gene pool. Advocates counter that such interventions might eradicate debilitating inherited disorders. (30) This cutting-edge platform relies on engineered enzymes that can precisely target and modify specific DNA segments, minimizing off-target effects. As discussions grow more nuanced, the line between therapeutic necessity and enhancement can blur, further complicating policymaking. Bioethicists frequently underscore the importance of public engagement, reminding scientists that societal consensus cannot be overlooked.
Looking ahead, CRISPR’s influence on agriculture, wildlife conservation, and even climate resilience may rival its impact on human health. Researchers have proposed editing genes in crop species to increase yield or reduce pesticide dependence. Others consider releasing genetically modified insects to combat vector-borne diseases. (31) Nevertheless, critics point out that making such breakthroughs widely accessible remains an enormous hurdle, particularly in countries with limited healthcare infrastructure. Yet as the frontiers of possibility expand, so too do the responsibilities shouldered by scientists, regulators, and the global community. How we navigate these technological waters will determine whether CRISPR becomes a widely embraced tool for human progress—or a catalyst for controversies that outpace our ethical frameworks.
遺伝子編集はかつては遠い夢のように語られていたが、現代の生物学においては画期的な分野へと成長している。その中心的存在がCRISPR(Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)であり、研究者たちが驚くほど高い精度で遺伝物質を改変することを可能にしたツールである。科学者たちは、遺伝性疾患を根源から修正し、新たな個別化医療の時代をもたらす未来を想像している。しかし、議論は絶えない。一方では、嚢胞性線維症や鎌状赤血球貧血症のような疾患を根絶できる可能性を歓迎する声がある反面、予期せぬ結果や倫理的ジレンマを懸念する声も大きい。
(25) しかしながら、一部の倫理学者は、遺伝子変異や社会的不平等といった潜在的リスクを見落とす恐れがあるとして、あまりにも楽観的な見方に警鐘を鳴らしている。
(26) CRISPR研究の初期段階では、科学者たちは主に単一遺伝子疾患に着目し、遺伝性疾患の治療に革命をもたらすことを目指していた。
(27) 国際ガイドラインは、遺伝子編集研究に対する厳格なピアレビューを義務づけ、透明性と安全性プロトコルの順守を強調している。
(28) また、地域の大学と連携して先端的な研修プログラムを整備し、次世代の研究者が最新知見を得られるようにしている。
(29) 製薬企業は次世代治療の需要拡大を見込み、この技術に巨額の投資を行い始めている。
(30) この最先端の技術基盤は、特定のDNAセグメントを正確に狙い、不要な部分を最小限の影響で修正できるように設計された酵素に依存している。
(31) それでもなお、批判者たちは、こうしたブレークスルーを世界的に普及させるには、特に医療インフラが乏しい国々において、極めて高いハードルがあると指摘している。