


III Choose the most appropriate sentence from the following list (a ~ h) for each item (25–31).

Mark your choices on the separate answer sheet.

(a) Moreover, critics argue that an overreliance on standardized protocols may undermine the individualized nature of treatment.
(b) Hence, some scholars have called for culturally specific guidelines to ensure that a patient’s background is fully respected.
(c) Although often overlooked, the emotional bond between therapist and client can be just as influential as the musical selection.
(d) In some regions, local hospitals have even begun collaborating with folk musicians and community choirs to offer more diverse therapeutic options.
(e) This historical perspective underscores how cultural and scientific understandings of music therapy have evolved in tandem with broader healthcare trends.
(f) Nevertheless, practitioners note that even the best-designed studies must account for subjective measures of well-being.
(g) Additionally, these findings spurred further inquiry into how specialized training programs could enhance the efficacy of clinical music interventions.
(h) Researchers investigating these phenomena have emphasized the need for rigorous, randomized trials to separate anecdotal claims from verifiable results.

Context for Blanks (25–31):

Music therapy, a practice that harnesses the power of sound and rhythm for psychological and physiological well-being, has witnessed significant growth in recent decades. It is employed in various clinical settings such as rehabilitation centers, psychiatric wards, and hospice care, reflecting a shift toward more holistic approaches to health. Indeed, numerous case studies have illustrated the efficacy of music therapy in managing stress, alleviating symptoms of depression, and improving motor skills in patients with neurological disorders. This approach is grounded in the understanding that musical engagement can evoke emotional responses, stimulate memory recall, and enhance interpersonal connections. Yet, challenges persist. While professional training programs have standardized many aspects of music therapy, cultural considerations and patient preferences still require careful attention to maximize results. (25)

Historically, early civilizations believed in the healing power of music, associating certain melodies or rhythms with spiritual or medicinal qualities. Ancient Greek philosophers, for instance, proposed the “Doctrine of Ethos,” suggesting that music could influence moral and emotional states. By the 18th century, European physicians began to incorporate musical elements into treatments for mental illness, though systematic scientific research on its effectiveness remained limited. (26) Over time, professional organizations such as the American Music Therapy Association formalized guidelines, further legitimizing the field. Studies carried out in the mid-20th century established basic protocols for patient assessment and therapy design. (27) In parallel, government bodies in some countries recognized the need to integrate creative arts therapies into public healthcare systems.

The growing body of empirical evidence supports the notion that music therapy can complement traditional medical interventions. In one controlled study, patients recovering from cardiac surgery reported lower levels of anxiety and pain when exposed to personalized music sessions, as opposed to silence or generic background tracks. (28) Although large-scale meta-analyses still highlight the variability of patient outcomes, many experts attribute inconsistencies to factors like therapist qualifications, session duration, and type of music used. Supporters of the practice emphasize its adaptability, noting that cultural context plays a critical role in shaping patient experiences and expectations. (29) Even within the same culture, individuals respond differently to the use of percussion, string, or vocal elements, highlighting the personal dimension of musical engagement.

Looking ahead, the intersection of music therapy with fields like neuroscience and digital technology presents exciting opportunities. Brain-imaging studies increasingly reveal how specific sonic frequencies and rhythms can modulate neural activity, influencing cognitive and emotional processes. Virtual reality platforms and wearable sensors are being tested to refine therapeutic interventions and track patient progress in real-time. (30) As interdisciplinary partnerships expand, proponents believe that music therapy will become an integral component of patient-centered care worldwide. These technological advancements do not, however, diminish the importance of human intuition and rapport in therapeutic settings. (31) In light of these multifaceted developments, researchers advocate for a comprehensive model that integrates traditional practices, cutting-edge science, and respect for cultural diversity.


(25) → (b)
(26) → (e)
(27) → (g)
(28) → (f)
(29) → (c)
(30) → (d)
(31) → (a)


(25) の解説

While professional training programs have standardized many aspects of music therapy, cultural considerations and patient preferences still require careful attention to maximize results. (25)

  • 直前で「文化的要素や患者の好みに配慮する必要がある」と述べています。
  • これを受ける形で、「だからこそ、文化的な背景を十分に尊重するためのガイドラインが必要である」という内容が自然に続く文が求められます。
  • (b) Hence, some scholars have called for culturally specific guidelines to ensure that a patient’s background is fully respected. は、まさに文化的配慮の必要性を強調する文であり、(25) にぴったり合致します。

(26) の解説

…though systematic scientific research on its effectiveness remained limited. (26) Over time…

  • ここでは「歴史的に音楽療法が使われてきたが、体系的な科学研究はまだ限定的だった」という文脈です。
  • 直後に「時代が進むと専門団体がガイドラインを整備していった」とあるため、「こうした歴史観が、いかに文化的・科学的理解の変遷と同期してきたか」を示す文が自然です。
  • (e) This historical perspective underscores how cultural and scientific understandings of music therapy have evolved in tandem with broader healthcare trends. は「歴史的視点が、音楽療法に対する文化的理解や科学的理解がヘルスケア全体の動向とともに進化してきた事実を強調している」という意味で、(26) につながります。

(27) の解説

Studies carried out in the mid-20th century established basic protocols for patient assessment and therapy design. (27) In parallel…

  • 直前では「20世紀中頃の研究によって患者アセスメントや治療デザインの基礎が確立された」と述べています。
  • この文の流れから、「こうした研究成果がさらに専門的な研修プログラムや臨床介入の効果を高める方向へ展開した」という一文が入るのが自然でしょう。
  • (g) Additionally, these findings spurred further inquiry into how specialized training programs could enhance the efficacy of clinical music interventions. は「これらの研究結果が、より専門的な研修プログラムで臨床的音楽療法の効果を高める研究を促進した」という内容であり、ぴったり合致します。

(28) の解説

In one controlled study, patients recovering from cardiac surgery reported lower levels of anxiety and pain… (28) Although large-scale meta-analyses still highlight…

  • ここでは「特定の研究では良い結果が出た」という事実を受けて、続く文で「とはいえ、メタアナリシスでは結果にばらつきがある」と言っています。
  • つまり、「良い結果が得られても、主観的指標などを考慮すべき」というニュアンスが入ると自然です。
  • (f) Nevertheless, practitioners note that even the best-designed studies must account for subjective measures of well-being. は「たとえデザインが優れた研究であっても、主観的ウェルビーイング指標に留意する必要がある」という内容で、ポジティブな実験結果からメタアナリシスの話に移る流れにマッチします。

(29) の解説

Supporters of the practice emphasize its adaptability… (29) Even within the same culture…

  • ここでは、「音楽療法が適応力を持つからこそ、多様な文化・個人差に対応できる」という流れです。
  • (29) では「その適応力」の核心となる、セラピストとクライアントの関係性や感情的結びつきが影響するという論点が入りそうです。
  • (c) Although often overlooked, the emotional bond between therapist and client can be just as influential as the musical selection. は「セラピストとクライアントの感情的結びつきが、音楽選択と同等かそれ以上に重要となり得る」という内容であり、この段落の話題(適応性の重要性)と合致しています。

(30) の解説

Virtual reality platforms and wearable sensors are being tested… (30) As interdisciplinary partnerships expand…

  • ここでは「テクノロジーとの融合による新しい可能性」が提示されています。
  • 次文の「学際的パートナーシップが広がることで音楽療法がより一般化するだろう」という文脈から、「すでに特定地域では多様な音楽家と協力し、より幅広い選択肢を提供する例がある」ことを示すと自然に続きます。
  • (d) In some regions, local hospitals have even begun collaborating with folk musicians and community choirs to offer more diverse therapeutic options. はVRやウェアラブル端末の話から「他の分野・地域との協力が進んでいる」例として理想的なつなぎ役を果たします。

(31) の解説

These technological advancements do not, however, diminish the importance of human intuition and rapport… (31) In light of these multifaceted developments…

  • 直前で「テクノロジーの進化があっても、人間同士のやりとりの重要性は損なわれない」と言っています。
  • 最終文では「総合的なモデルが必要だ」とまとめに入りますから、(31) では「標準化への過度な依存が個別性を損ねる恐れがある」という批判が入ることで、人間的要素を重視すべき理由を強調できます。
  • (a) Moreover, critics argue that an overreliance on standardized protocols may undermine the individualized nature of treatment. はまさに「テクノロジー導入や標準化を進めても、人間的要素が欠かせない」という議論を補完しており、ここにぴったり当てはまります。

使われなかった選択肢 (h) について

(h) Researchers investigating these phenomena have emphasized the need for rigorous, randomized trials to separate anecdotal claims from verifiable results.

  • (h) は「より厳密なランダム化試験が必要」と強調する文ですが、本文では既に(28) の部分で「主観的指標を含む研究上の課題」に触れており、そこに直接挿入するよりは他の選択肢が文脈的に適切でした。結果的にダミー選択肢となっています。



Music therapy, a practice that harnesses the power of sound and rhythm for psychological and physiological well-being, has witnessed significant growth in recent decades. It is employed in various clinical settings such as rehabilitation centers, psychiatric wards, and hospice care, reflecting a shift toward more holistic approaches to health. Indeed, numerous case studies have illustrated the efficacy of music therapy in managing stress, alleviating symptoms of depression, and improving motor skills in patients with neurological disorders. This approach is grounded in the understanding that musical engagement can evoke emotional responses, stimulate memory recall, and enhance interpersonal connections. Yet, challenges persist. While professional training programs have standardized many aspects of music therapy, cultural considerations and patient preferences still require careful attention to maximize results. (25) Hence, some scholars have called for culturally specific guidelines to ensure that a patient’s background is fully respected.

Historically, early civilizations believed in the healing power of music, associating certain melodies or rhythms with spiritual or medicinal qualities. Ancient Greek philosophers, for instance, proposed the “Doctrine of Ethos,” suggesting that music could influence moral and emotional states. By the 18th century, European physicians began to incorporate musical elements into treatments for mental illness, though systematic scientific research on its effectiveness remained limited. (26) This historical perspective underscores how cultural and scientific understandings of music therapy have evolved in tandem with broader healthcare trends. Over time, professional organizations such as the American Music Therapy Association formalized guidelines, further legitimizing the field. Studies carried out in the mid-20th century established basic protocols for patient assessment and therapy design. (27) Additionally, these findings spurred further inquiry into how specialized training programs could enhance the efficacy of clinical music interventions. In parallel, government bodies in some countries recognized the need to integrate creative arts therapies into public healthcare systems.

The growing body of empirical evidence supports the notion that music therapy can complement traditional medical interventions. In one controlled study, patients recovering from cardiac surgery reported lower levels of anxiety and pain when exposed to personalized music sessions, as opposed to silence or generic background tracks. (28) Nevertheless, practitioners note that even the best-designed studies must account for subjective measures of well-being. Although large-scale meta-analyses still highlight the variability of patient outcomes, many experts attribute inconsistencies to factors like therapist qualifications, session duration, and type of music used. Supporters of the practice emphasize its adaptability, noting that cultural context plays a critical role in shaping patient experiences and expectations. (29) Although often overlooked, the emotional bond between therapist and client can be just as influential as the musical selection. Even within the same culture, individuals respond differently to the use of percussion, string, or vocal elements, highlighting the personal dimension of musical engagement.

Looking ahead, the intersection of music therapy with fields like neuroscience and digital technology presents exciting opportunities. Brain-imaging studies increasingly reveal how specific sonic frequencies and rhythms can modulate neural activity, influencing cognitive and emotional processes. Virtual reality platforms and wearable sensors are being tested to refine therapeutic interventions and track patient progress in real-time. (30) In some regions, local hospitals have even begun collaborating with folk musicians and community choirs to offer more diverse therapeutic options. As interdisciplinary partnerships expand, proponents believe that music therapy will become an integral component of patient-centered care worldwide. These technological advancements do not, however, diminish the importance of human intuition and rapport in therapeutic settings. (31) Moreover, critics argue that an overreliance on standardized protocols may undermine the individualized nature of treatment. In light of these multifaceted developments, researchers advocate for a comprehensive model that integrates traditional practices, cutting-edge science, and respect for cultural diversity.


(25) こうした背景から、一部の研究者たちは患者の文化的背景が十分に尊重されるような、文化に特化したガイドラインの必要性を唱えている。

(26) この歴史的視点に立つと、音楽療法に対する文化的・科学的理解が、医療全体の流れと歩調を合わせてどのように進化してきたかが浮き彫りとなる。
(27) さらに、これらの研究成果は臨床的音楽介入の効果を高めるために、より専門的な研修プログラムがいかに活用できるかを探る追加研究を促進した。

(28) とはいえ、どれほどデザインが優れた研究であっても、主観的なウェルビーイング指標を考慮に入れる必要があることを実践者たちは強調している。
(29) 実際にはあまり注目されないものの、セラピストとクライアントの感情的絆が、音楽の選曲と同等かそれ以上に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。

(30) 一部の地域では、より多様な治療選択肢を提供するため、地元の音楽家やコミュニティ合唱団と連携する病院も出始めている。
(31) さらに、標準化されたプロトコルに過度に依存しすぎることが、治療の個別性を損なってしまうのではないかと批判する声もある。