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“The pizza delivery guy boosted his scooter and flew over the traffic jams like a superhero.”


★ Boost (verb/noun) – To increase or improve something, often in terms of quantity, quality, or performance; or an increase or improvement in something.

⇒活気づける – 何かを数量、品質、または性能の面で増加または改善することが一般的です。また、何かの増加または改善を意味します。

★ The word “boost” is believed to have originated from the Middle English word “bosten” or “boosten,” which means “to lift up, promote, or increase.” Its exact etymology is uncertain.



(1) The advertising campaign helped boost sales for the company.


(2) A good night’s sleep can boost your energy levels for the day ahead.


(3) The team’s morale was boosted after winning the championship.


(4) The new software update is expected to boost the performance of the computer.


(5) Regular exercise can boost your overall health and well-being.
