English in a minute (今日の使える英会話フレーズ・イディオム)

【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”bone to pick (with)~”の意味は「~に対して苦情を言う」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!



bone to pick with

“The dinosaur had a bone to pick with the dog that was busy picking up his bones.”



Bone to pick with (idiom) – To have an issue to discuss or a complaint to air, usually something that has been bothering the speaker for some time.

⇒言いたいことがある – 通常、話し手をしばらく悩ませていた何かを議論したり、不平を言いたいということ。

“Bone to pick with”の語源は、犬が骨をかじる行為から来ています。つまり、このイディオムは、問題や不満を「かじりつく」、つまりじっくりと考えることを表しています。


(1) I have a bone to pick with you about your last email.


(2) The teacher had a bone to pick with the student about his behavior.


(3) She had a bone to pick with her neighbor about the loud music.


(4) The manager had a bone to pick with the team about the project delays.


(5) He had a bone to pick with his friend about the borrowed money.




Welcome to English in a Minute!

Bones are strong. They make up our skeleton. But what could it mean to have a “bone to pick” with someone?

A: Dan, are you ready to read scripts?
D: Maybe.
A: Dan, umm, are you upset about something?
D: Actually, yes! I have a bone to pick with you.
A: What did I do now?
D: Well, your new script is about a co-worker who is always late and grumpy. It’s about me, isn’t it?
A: No! No, no you are…never late.

When you have a “bone to pick” with someone, you have an issue with them that bothers you. If you have a bone to pick with a co-worker or friend, it is best to talk about it sooner rather than later.


「English in a Minute」へようこそ!

骨は強い。それが私たちの骨格を形成しています。しかし、「bone to pick」が誰かと何を意味するのでしょうか?

A(女性): ダン、台本の読み取り、準備はできてる?

D(男性): うーん、多分ね。

A: ダン、何か…怒ってることでもあるの?

D: 実はそうなんだ。君に言いたいことがあるんだ。

A: えっ、また何かしたの?

D: あのさ、君の新しい台本、いつも遅刻して不機嫌な同僚の話だよね。それ、僕のことだろ?

A: いや、そんなことないよ!ダンは…決して遅刻しないもん。

「bone to pick」があるとは、あなたが困っている問題があるということです。同僚や友人と「bone to pick」がある場合、早めに話し合うことが最善です。
