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“I asked my computer to write a love letter for me, but it ended up blaming me for its lack of romantic skills.”


★ Blame (verb/noun) – To accuse or find fault with someone or something for a particular problem, mistake, or wrongdoing; or the responsibility for a fault, mistake, or wrongdoing.

⇒非難する – 特定の問題、誤り、または過ちに対して、誰かや何かを告発したり、責任を負わせること。また、過ち、誤り、または不正行為の責任を意味します。

★ The word “blame” comes from the Old French “blamer” or “blasmer,” which means “to rebuke, reproach or blame,” and is derived from the Late Latin “blastemare,” meaning “to condemn or censure.”



(1) She blamed her brother for breaking the vase.


(2) The coach took the blame for the team’s poor performance.


(3) It’s easy to blame others for our problems, but we should also take responsibility for our actions.


(4) They argued about who was to blame for the project’s failure.


(5) Blaming yourself for everything will not solve the issue; it’s important to learn from mistakes and move forward.
