“The new smartphone model is the best thing since sliced bread; it can even make coffee!”
“Best thing since sliced bread” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe a new invention or innovation that is considered to be a significant improvement over what existed before. It implies that the new development is highly beneficial and has made a positive impact, similar to how pre-sliced bread was received when it first became available.
“Best thing since sliced bread”の語源は、1928年にアメリカで最初にスライスされたパンが販売されたことに由来しています。この便利さはすぐに人気となり、それ以来、特に優れた新しいアイデアやデバイスを表すためにこの表現が使われるようになりました。
(1) This new app is the best thing since sliced bread; it has completely organized my schedule.
(2) Ever since I got this portable charger, I’ve been saying it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
(3) You think that gadget is the best thing since sliced bread, but have you seen its price tag?