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“I asked my GPS for directions, and it started beating around the bush by telling me to ‘go where your heart desires’.”


Beat (verb/noun) – To strike repeatedly, often rhythmically; to defeat or overcome; or the main accent or rhythmic unit in music or poetry. It can also be used to describe a state of exhaustion or feeling worn out.

⇒打つ、たたく – 繰り返し、しばしばリズミカルに打つこと。または、相手を負かす、克服すること。さらに、音楽や詩における主要なアクセントやリズムの単位のこと。また、疲労や疲れ果てた状態を表現する際にも使われます。

★ The word “beat” comes from the Old English “beatan,” meaning “to strike with a stick, thrash, or punish,” and was later extended to include other meanings like “overcome” and “rhythmic motion.”



(1) She beat the egg whites until they were fluffy.


(2) Our team beat our rivals in the final game.


(3) The drummer created a catchy beat that had everyone dancing.


(4) I’m so beat after working all day; I need to rest.


(5) He always beats around the bush instead of getting straight to the point.

⇒彼はいつも要点を直接言わず、遠回しな言い方をします(「beat around the bush」)。