“I tried to juggle while on the ball, but I ended up in the hospital.”
“Be on the ball” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe someone who is alert, attentive, and quick to respond to a situation. It implies that the person is mentally sharp and can handle things efficiently.
“Be on the ball”の語源は、スポーツ、特にサッカーやテニスに由来しています。ボールに注意を払い、素早く反応することが重要であるため、この表現が生まれました。
(1) To succeed in this fast-paced industry, you need to be on the ball at all times.
(2) Sarah is always on the ball during meetings, ready with insightful comments and questions.
(3) As a teacher, you have to be on the ball to keep up with your students’ needs and progress.