When I asked my cat for investment advice, I realized I was barking up the wrong tree—she only invests in catnip.
“Barking up the wrong tree” (idiom) – This phrase is used when someone is pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action, thereby wasting their efforts. It suggests that the person is making a mistake or operating under a false assumption in their pursuit of a particular goal.
“Barking up the wrong tree”の語源は、19世紀のアメリカに遡ります。この表現は、猟犬が木に登ってしまった獲物を追い詰める様子から来ています。しかし、犬が間違った木に吠えてしまうと、その努力は無駄になってしまいます。今日では、誤った方向に努力をしていることを示すために使われます。
(1) You’re barking up the wrong tree if you think I was the one who spread those rumors.
(2) The police are barking up the wrong tree. I have nothing to do with this crime.
(3) If you think you can use this old computer for gaming, you’re barking up the wrong tree.