

★ 英単語ターゲット1900(6訂版)★ Stock4500 ★ LEAP★ システム英単語(5訂版)★ 速読英単語必修編(7訂版)を独自に研究&データベース化し、5冊の単語帳のいずれにも見出し・太文字で登場する単語469にまとめた「入試に四六時中でる英単語」から毎回1単語、あり得ない例文と画像でお届けします!アリエヘン!

“The magician’s attempt to pull a rabbit out of his hat ended up with an awful smell of blue cheese.”


★ Awful (adjective) – Extremely unpleasant or of very poor quality; causing strong dislike, fear, or dread. It can also be used to emphasize the extent of something, often in a negative sense.

⇒ひどい – 非常に不愉快であったり、質が非常に悪かったりすること。強い嫌悪感、恐怖、または恐ろしさを引き起こす。また、何かの程度を強調するために使用されることもあり、しばしば否定的な意味で使われます。

★ The word “awful” comes from the Old English “egefull” or “awe-full,” meaning “inspiring awe or dread.” Over time, the meaning has shifted to its current sense of “very bad or unpleasant.”



(1) The food at the restaurant was awful, and we couldn’t finish our meals.


(2) She had an awful experience when she got lost in the forest.


(3) The weather was awful during our vacation, so we couldn’t enjoy outdoor activities.

