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“I once sneezed so loudly that the local authority issued me a noise violation ticket.”
★ Authority (noun) – The power or right to give orders, make decisions, or enforce obedience; an individual or organization that has this power. The word is also used to refer to a source of reliable or expert information or advice.
⇒権威 – 命令を出す、決定を行う、または服従を強制する権利や力。この権利や力を持つ個人や組織。また、信頼性のある情報や専門的なアドバイスの源としても使われる。
★ The word “authority” comes from the Latin word “auctoritas,” which means “invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command.” In English, “authority” conveys the sense of having power, control, or influence over others.
(1) The principal has the authority to enforce the school rules.
(2) The police have the authority to arrest and detain suspects.
(3) He is considered an authority on ancient Roman history.