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“I tried to email my boss, but my computer sent my lunch as an attachment instead.”
★ Attach (verb) – To fasten, join, or connect one object to another, either physically or metaphorically. It can also refer to associating feelings or emotions with a person, object, or idea.
⇒くっつける – 一つの物体を別の物体に物理的または比喩的に固定、接続、または連結させること。また、感情や思いを人、物、または考えに関連付けることも指す。
★ Attachment (noun) – The act or condition of being attached, or a feeling of affection, loyalty, or emotional bond to a person, object, or idea.
⇒愛着 – くっついている状態や行為、または人、物、または考えに対する愛情、忠誠心、または感情的なつながりのこと。
★ The word “attach” comes from the Old French “atachier,” which means “to fasten, join, or connect,” and has its origins in the Latin word “attachare.”
(1) Please attach the document to the email before sending it.
(2) He feels a strong attachment to his childhood home.
(3) The two pieces of fabric are attached with a zipper.