
【Artificial Intelligence and Ethicsの意味は?】人工知能と倫理とは? 大学受験英語必出最新テーマ ~100語で覚える時事英語~ 音声つき

【Artificial Intelligence and Ethics】 (人工知能と倫理)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing, offering benefits but also raising ethical concerns. AI systems can perpetuate biases, infringe on privacy, and be used maliciously. Ensuring AI is developed and used responsibly is crucial. This involves prioritizing fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI design and deployment. Governments, companies, and researchers must collaborate to establish ethical guidelines and regulations. Key principles include protecting human rights, promoting the common good, and maintaining human oversight. By proactively addressing ethical challenges, we can harness AI’s potential while mitigating risks and upholding societal values.


<<Key Terms>>

・Artificial Intelligence (人工知能) – the development of computer systems that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence

・Ethics (倫理) – moral principles that govern behavior and decision-making「行動や意思決定を支配する道徳的原則」

・Bias (偏見) – prejudice or favoritism that can lead to unfair treatment

・Privacy (プライバシー) – the right to control access to one’s personal information「個人情報へのアクセスを管理する権利」

・Fairness (公平性) – equal treatment and absence of discrimination

・Transparency (透明性) – openness and clarity in decision-making processes「意思決定プロセスにおける開放性と明確性」

・Accountability (説明責任) – being responsible and answerable for one’s actions「自分の行動に責任を持ち、答えられること」

・Guidelines (指針) – recommended practices or rules to follow

・Regulations (規制) – official rules or laws that control or restrict something「何かを管理または制限する公式のルールや法律」

・Human rights (人権) – basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person「すべての人に属する基本的な権利と自由」

・Common good (共通善) – the benefit or well-being of a community as a whole「コミュニティ全体の利益や幸福」

・Human oversight (人間の監督) – the involvement of humans in monitoring and controlling AI systems「AIシステムの監視と制御への人間の関与」
