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“I would appreciate it if gravity could take a day off, so I could experience what it’s like to float like a butterfly.”
★ Appreciate (verb) – To recognize the value or significance of something or someone. To be grateful or thankful for something.
⇒感謝する – 何かや誰かの価値や意義を認識すること。何かに対して感謝したり、感謝すること。
★ The word “appreciate” comes from the Late Latin word “appretiatus,” which means “to set a price to” or “to appraise.”
⇒”appreciate”の語源は、Late Latinの “appretiatus” で、「価格を設定する」または「評価する」を意味します。
(1) I really appreciate your help with this project.
(2) It’s important to appreciate the small moments of happiness in life.
(3) I didn’t appreciate the significance of the moment until later.