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“I tried to apply for a job as a superhero, but the only requirement was being able to leap over a skyscraper in a single bound.”
★ Apply (verb) – To make use of something or apply a substance to a surface or object. To put forward or submit for consideration. To be relevant or appropriate in a particular situation.
The word “apply” comes from the Latin word “applicare,” which means “to attach to.”
⇒応用する、使う – 物事を利用するか、表面や物体に物質を塗ること。提出するか考慮のために提示すること。特定の状況に適切または関連している。
(1) You need to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
(2) She decided to apply for the job even though she wasn’t sure if she met all the qualifications.
(3) The new safety regulations do not apply to older buildings.