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“I was so amaze that I could suddenly speak dolphin that I accidentally summoned a pod of them to my bathtub.”
★ Amaze (verb) – To astonish, surprise, or fill someone with wonder, usually due to an unexpected or extraordinary event, quality, or ability. Leaving someone impressed or overwhelmed by a sense of admiration or awe.
⇒驚かせる – 予期しないまたは並外れた出来事、特性、能力によって、人をびっくりさせたり、驚嘆で満たすこと。感嘆や畏敬の念で印象付けたり、圧倒したりする。
★ The word “amaze” has its origins in the Middle English language, specifically from the phrase “amasen,” which means “to be astonished or confused.” The term “amasen” is derived from the Old English “āmasian” and Old Norse “amasa,” both of which also mean “to astonish.”
⇒”amaze” の語源は、中英語の “amasen” であり、「驚いたり困惑したりする」という意味があります。”amasen” は古英語の “āmasian” と古ノルド語の “amasa” から派生しており、どちらも「驚かせる」という意味があります。
(1) The magician’s performance amazed the audience.
(2) Her ability to solve complex math problems in seconds amazed her teachers.
(3) The breathtaking view from the mountaintop amazed the hikers.