“I went to the ear doctor and he said, ‘I’m all ears!’ I replied, ‘Great, can you lend me a few? I need some spares!'”
“I’m all ears” (idiom) – This phrase is used to express that you are fully focused and ready to listen attentively to what someone has to say. It implies that you are giving your undivided attention to the speaker.
“I’m all ears”の語源は、耳が体の一部であり、注意深く聞くための主要な器官であることに由来しています。「全身が耳になる」というフレーズは、19世紀初頭からの口語表現で、相手の話に完全に集中することを表しています。
(1) I’m very interested in your story. Please tell me more. I’m all ears!
(2) If you have any suggestions on how to improve our project, I’m all ears.
(3) She was eager to hear about her friend’s recent trip and said, “I’m all ears! Tell me everything.”