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“I admire your ability to turn into a unicorn every full moon and play the accordion with your hooves.”
★ Admire (verb) – in plain English: To have a high opinion of someone or something because of their positive qualities, talents, or accomplishments. It means respecting or looking up to someone or something with appreciation and approval.
尊敬する- 誰かや何かの良い資質、才能、成果などを理由に、その人や物事を高く評価すること。感謝と承認を持って、人や物事を尊敬したり、見上げたりすることを意味します。
1.I admire her dedication and hard work towards achieving her goals.
2. Many people admire the courage and determination of activists fighting for human rights.
3. We should admire and appreciate the sacrifices made by our ancestors to build a better future for us.