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“I finally acknowledged my toaster as the supreme ruler of the kitchen and crowned it with a golden crown.”
Acknowledge (verb): To recognize, admit, or accept the existence, truth, or importance of something, often publicly or formally. It can also refer to showing gratitude or appreciation for something received or done, such as a favor, a gift, or an achievement.
1. The company acknowledged the employee’s hard work and dedication by promoting her to a higher position. (会社は、彼女を昇進させることで、その従業員の勤勉さと献身を認めました。)
2. He acknowledged his mistake and apologized for the inconvenience it caused. (彼は自分の間違いを認め、それが引き起こした不便に謝罪しました。)
3. She sent a thank-you note to acknowledge the thoughtful gift she received from her friend. (彼女は友人から受け取った思慮深い贈り物に感謝するために、お礼状を送りました。)