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“The penguin accused the cactus of stealing its ice cream, sparking a heated debate in the desert.”
Accuse (verb): To claim that someone has done something wrong, illegal, or immoral, typically without providing proof or evidence.
Accuse A of B: To allege that person A has committed action B, which is typically a wrongdoing, crime, or immoral behavior.
Accuse A of B: 通常、不正行為、犯罪、または不道徳な行為である行為Bを人Aが犯したと主張すること。
1. The store manager accused the employee of stealing merchandise from the stockroom. (店長は従業員に対して、倉庫から商品を盗んだと非難しました。)
2. The witness accused the suspect of being involved in the crime. (目撃者は容疑者が犯罪に関与していると非難しました。)
3. The politician was accused of accepting bribes in exchange for favors. (その政治家は、利益誘導のために賄賂を受け取ったと非難されました。)