“I used to argue with my time machine, but we decided to let bygones be bygones. Now, we’re back to the future!”
“Let bygones be bygones” (idiom) – This phrase encourages moving on from past conflicts, disagreements, or unpleasant events. It suggests that people should forgive and forget past issues to focus on the present and future.
「Bygones」は、「let it go by」という言葉に由来しており、何かを妨げずに通過させることを意味します。時間とともに、このフレーズは「let bygones be bygones」に進化し、「bygones」は過去の出来事や不和を指すようになりました。
(1) After the long-standing feud, the two families decided to let bygones be bygones and start afresh.
(2) I know we had our differences in the past, but let’s let bygones be bygones and work together for a better future.
(3) Even though they had a falling out years ago, they decided to let bygones be bygones and rekindle their friendship.