“I’ll stick with you through thick and thin, even if you turn into a giant hamburger.”
“Through thick and thin” (idiom) – This phrase is used to emphasize the idea of staying committed to someone or something, no matter what difficulties or challenges arise. It suggests unwavering support and loyalty.
“Through thick and thin”の語源は、14世紀にまでさかのぼります。当時、「thick」と「thin」は、森の濃い部分と疎らな部分を指していました。つまり、この表現は文字通り、濃い森も疎らな森も通り抜けることを意味していたのです。
(1) My best friend has always been there for me through thick and thin.
(2) The couple’s love remained strong through thick and thin, despite the challenges they faced.
(3) True friends will stick with you through thick and thin, no matter what life throws your way.