“The cats conspired to overthrow the government, but their plan was foiled when they all got distracted by a laser pointer.”
★ Conspire (verb) – To secretly plan with others to do something unlawful or harmful; or the act of working together towards a deceitful or illegal purpose.
⇒共謀する – 他人と秘密裏に不法または有害なことを計画すること。または、欺瞞的または違法な目的に向けて協力する行為を意味します。
★ The word “conspire” comes from the Latin “conspirare,” which means “to agree, unite, or plot,” and is derived from “com-” meaning “together” and “spirare,” meaning “to breathe.”
(1) The two companies conspired to fix the prices of their products.
(2) The rebels conspired to overthrow the government.
(3) It was discovered that the employees conspired to embezzle funds from the company.
(4) The group conspired in secret to sabotage the project.
(5) They were accused of conspiring to commit a crime.
Yet, ultimately, the “Oh, Yeah?” button never got installed on our browsers. Too many factors conspired against it. In Berners-Lee’s original example, he noted its direct challenge to advertising.
(a) competed (b) planned (c) plotted (d) worked
(a) competed – 競い合った (b) planned – 計画した (c) plotted – 陰謀を企てた (d) worked – 働いた
<答> (c)