
【シン・英会話スピード表現】”mumbo jumbo” 英語イディオムの意味や由来・豆知識は?


“Mumbo Jumbo”


・He kept talking about some weird theory, but it all just sounded like mumbo jumbo to me.



“Mumbo Jumbo”は、一般的に意味不明な言葉や理解できない話、無意味な表現を指す言い回しです。この表現は、誰かが何を言っているか理解できない場合や、説明が複雑すぎて分からない場合に使われます。また、信じがたいことや非現実的な話にも使われることがあります。


1. gibberish(意味不明な言葉)
・I tried to read the manual, but it was all gibberish to me.

2. nonsense(ばかげた話)
・Stop talking nonsense! It’s impossible for that to happen.

3. baloney(でたらめ)
・I don’t believe his story. It sounds like baloney to me.

4. hogwash(根拠のない話)
・Don’t listen to him; he’s just spouting hogwash.

5. double-talk(紛らわしい言葉)
・The politician’s speech was full of double-talk, and I couldn’t understand his point.


The Meaning and Origin of “Mumbo Jumbo”

Mumbo Jumbo is a phrase that is often used to refer to meaningless, confusing, or complicated language. It is commonly used in everyday conversation, as well as in various forms of media such as books, movies, and television shows. But where did the phrase originate, and what does it actually mean?

The Origin of “Mumbo Jumbo”

The origins of the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” can be traced back to Africa, specifically to the Mandinka people of what is now modern-day Guinea. The Mandinka had a secret society called the “Mumbo Jumbo” society, which was made up of men who wore elaborate costumes and masks and who performed dances and rituals to maintain peace and order within the community.

The Meaning of “Mumbo Jumbo”

Over time, the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” came to be associated with the nonsense language that was often spoken or chanted by the members of the secret societies during their rituals. This language was said to be incomprehensible to outsiders and was used to create an air of mystery and magic around the society and its members.

Today, the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” is used to describe any language or behavior that is confusing, nonsensical, or difficult to understand. It can also be used to describe any kind of superstitious or irrational belief or behavior.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the origin of the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo”?
2. What was the “Mumbo Jumbo” society and what did they do?
3. How did the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” come to be associated with nonsense language?
4. How do we use the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” in modern times?
5. Can you provide an example of when you’ve heard someone use the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” in conversation?


1. The origins of the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” can be traced back to Africa, specifically to the Mandinka people of modern-day Guinea.
2. The “Mumbo Jumbo” society was a secret society made up of men who wore elaborate costumes and masks and who performed dances and rituals to maintain peace and order within the community.
3. Over time, the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” came to be associated with the nonsense language that was often spoken or chanted by the members of the secret societies during their rituals.
4. Today, the phrase “Mumbo Jumbo” is used to describe any language or behavior that is confusing, nonsensical, or difficult to understand.
5. Answers may vary.