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“I tried to bend a spoon with my mind, but it ended up bending me into a pretzel instead.”


★ Bend (verb) – To change or cause something to change from a straight line or shape into a curve or angle; to move or incline the body, a limb, or an object in a certain direction.

⇒曲げる – 直線や形状からカーブや角度に変える、または変えさせること。体、肢体、または物体を特定の方向に動かす、または傾ける。

★ The word “bend” comes from the Old English “bendan,” meaning “to bend, bow, or submit.” Its origin can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “bandijaną,” which also means “to bend or bind.”



(1) To fit the pipe into the corner, he had to carefully bend it.


(2) She bent her knees and lowered her body to pick up the fallen object.


(3) The tree branches bend under the weight of the snow during winter.
