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“The police tried to arrest the sun for being too hot, but it refused to come down and surrender.”
★ Arrest (verb/noun) – To seize someone by legal authority and take them into custody, usually because they are suspected of committing a crime. The act of arresting someone.
⇒逮捕する – 法的権限に基づき、犯罪を犯したと疑われる人を拘束し、身柄を拘束すること。逮捕する行為。
★ The word “arrest” comes from the Old French word “arest,” which means “a stoppage, a delay, or a stay.”
⇒”arrest”の語源は、Old Frenchの “arest” で、「停止、遅延、または滞在」という意味です。
(1) The police officer arrested the suspect after a long investigation.
(2) The arrest of the CEO sent shockwaves through the business community.
(3) He made a citizen’s arrest when he saw someone breaking into his neighbor’s house.