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“I have accumulated so much luck that I won the lottery 100 times in a row and accidentally bought the moon.”
Accumulate (verb): To gather or amass something over time, often resulting in an increasing quantity or value.
1. As the snow fell throughout the day, it began to accumulate on the streets and sidewalks. (一日中雪が降っていたので、街路や歩道に雪が積もり始めました。)
2. He started to accumulate savings by setting aside a small portion of his paycheck each month. (彼は毎月給与の一部を取り置くことで、貯金を積み立て始めました。)
3. Over the years, she accumulated an impressive collection of rare books. (彼女は何年にもわたって、希少な本の印象的なコレクションを蓄積しました。)