“in the nick of time” 「ギリギリ間に合って」「間一髪(かんいっぱつ)で」
☆ at the last possible moment:
We got there just in the nick of time.
LOUISE: Gave away? What are you talking about? We’re going to pay for everything.
THELMA: And what do you mean, hardened criminals? We’ve never done anything like this before.
BEN: (60)( ) A couple of amateurs!
LOUISE: Who are you calling amateurs?
( )に入れる選択肢の中に
(a) Let me catch my breath! (b) This is so much fun! (c) Just in the nick of time! (d) Just as I thought!
Just in the nick of time.が入っていました。正解は(d)のJust as I thought!ですが・・・!
(動画はPUBLIC DOMAIN Versionです)
Welcome to English in a Minute.
It is good to arrive to important events on time, or even early.
I was worried you were not going to make it!
oh, I’m here, I’m here.
And I have all the things you asked me to bring…
You got here just in the nick of time.
We only have 5 minutes before the guest of honor arrives.
And that is?
My cat.
And all her furry friends.
Your cat…
If something happens “in the nick of time” it happens at the last possible moment, just before it is too late.
“nick” is the word for a narrow and exact marker.
Word experts say the phrase “in the nick” has been used for hundreds of years to mean “a critical moment.”
And that’s English in a Minute!
ようこそEnglish in a Minuteへ。
A: 間に合わないのではないかと心配していましたよ。
B: ああ、来た、来たよ。 頼まれていたものも全部持ってきたし…。
A: よかったー。ギリギリ間に合いましたね。主賓が来るまで5分しかありません。
B: それは?
A: 私の猫よ。そして彼女の三毛の友人たち
B: 猫って・・・
A: ニャー!
“in the nick of time “という言葉がありますが、これは手遅れになる前のギリギリのタイミングで起こる現象です。
“nick “は、狭くて正確な目印を表す言葉です。
言葉の専門家によると、”in the nick “というフレーズは何百年も前から “決定的な瞬間 “という意味で使われているそうです。
以上、English in a Minuteでした。