★ シェモメジャモ
たとえば、家族や友人が作ってくれた料理が絶品で、もう満腹なのにもかかわらず「もう一口だけ…」と箸を伸ばし続けてしまう、そんな経験はありませんか? それこそまさにシェモメジャモの状態です。気がついたらお皿がすっからかんになっていて、「どうして全部食べきっちゃったんだろう…」と軽く自己嫌悪に陥る――でも、美味しいから仕方がない!という、憎めない食いしん坊の言い訳を象徴しています。

【Meaning】To accidentally eat everything because it’s so delicious, even though you’re already full.
Shemomedjamo is a Georgian term that describes the irresistible urge to keep eating simply because something tastes so good, even when you’re already stuffed. While many languages have phrases to talk about overeating, few manage to capture the sheer helplessness of continuing to eat when you know you should stop.
Picture this: A friend’s home-cooked meal is absolutely divine. You’re pleasantly full after the main course, but you still find yourself going back for seconds, then thirds. Before you know it, the plate is empty, and you’re left both delighted and a bit regretful. That’s Shemomedjamo—an endearingly relatable predicament for food lovers.
Georgian food culture itself often revolves around communal feasts, accompanied by excellent wine. It’s easy to fall under the spell of good company, vibrant atmosphere, and mouthwatering dishes. As a result, Shemomedjamo moments are practically inevitable.
Though not ideal for the waistline, these instances of “accidental feasting” speak to the joy of savoring life’s pleasures. Shemomedjamo perfectly encapsulates that indulgent magic of continuing to eat, not just for sustenance, but for the sheer bliss of taste.