
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<22>”How Noise-Cancelling Earphones May Affect Our Hearing” ~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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How Noise-Cancelling Earphones May Affect Our Hearing

In recent years, many people have started using noise-cancelling earphones during their daily activities. Some choose these devices to enjoy their favorite music, while others want to reduce background noise. However, health experts now warn that frequent use of noise-cancelling features may lead to problems with listening skills. According to a recent report from the BBC, doctors in several UK hospitals have noticed that more young patients struggle to process sounds in busy environments. While they can still hear, they often find it difficult to recognize the source of a particular noise.

One audiologist explains that our ears need to practice handling many different sounds. We naturally learn to focus on important noises and filter out background distractions. Yet, when noise-cancelling earphones block many sounds, our ability to choose which sounds to pay attention to can become weaker. Another expert suggests that ignoring essential signals, such as car horns, could increase the risk of accidents. The World Health Organization warns that many young adults risk hearing damage from unsafe listening habits. Listening at high volumes for extended periods can strain the ear’s delicate parts, which may cause long-term hearing loss.

To stay safe, experts recommend using lower volume levels, taking regular breaks, and being aware of sounds around you. By paying attention to healthy listening habits, young people can protect their hearing for the future. (232 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) According to the BBC report, what have doctors in several UK hospitals noticed about young patients?

a) They prefer music over podcasts
b) They struggle to process sounds in busy environments
c) They have stopped using noise-cancelling earphones
d) They rarely complain about hearing problems

(2) What does one audiologist say our ears need to do?

a) Rest from constant noise
b) Practice handling many different sounds
c) Listen to high volumes
d) Avoid important signals

(3) What does frequent use of noise-cancelling earphones risk weakening?

a) The ability to block car horns
b) The ability to enjoy music
c) The ability to choose which sounds to pay attention to
d) The ear’s physical structure

(4) Which of the following is recommended for safer listening?

a) Wearing noise-cancelling earphones all day
b) Taking regular breaks and keeping volumes low
c) Completely avoiding all types of earphones
d) Turning the volume up to overcome distractions







a) 彼らはポッドキャストよりも音楽を好む
b) 彼らは騒がしい環境で音を処理するのに苦労している
c) 彼らはノイズキャンセリングイヤホンの使用をやめた
d) 彼らは聴力に関する問題をめったに訴えない

a) 絶え間ない騒音から休息をとる
b) 多種多様な音を処理する練習をする
c) 大きな音量で聴く
d) 重要な信号を避ける

a) 車のクラクションを遮断する能力
b) 音楽を楽しむ能力
c) どの音に注意を向けるか選ぶ能力
d) 耳の物理的構造

a) 一日中ノイズキャンセリングイヤホンを着け続ける
b) 定期的に休憩を取り、音量を低く保つ
c) あらゆる種類のイヤホンを完全に避ける
d) 雑音に打ち勝つために音量を上げる


(1) b) They struggle to process sounds in busy environments
(2) b) Practice handling many different sounds
(3) c) The ability to choose which sounds to pay attention to
(4) b) Taking regular breaks and keeping volumes low


□ noise-cancelling (ノイズキャンセリングの)
□ earphone (イヤホン)
□ background noise (バックグラウンドノイズ)
□ audiologist (聴覚専門医)
□ filter out (〜を除去する)
□ distraction (気を散らすもの)
□ volume (音量)
□ strain (負担をかける)
□ delicate (繊細な)
□ long-term (長期の)
□ awareness (意識)
□ habit (習慣)


1. “Auditory” (聴覚の)
– 聴覚に関連する、または耳で感じるものを示す形容詞
– 例:”Auditory stimuli can affect language acquisition.”(聴覚刺激は言語習得に影響を与える)

2. “Hearing” (聴力・聴覚)
– 音を知覚する能力やそのプロセスを指す基本語
– 例:”Her hearing has gradually diminished with age.”(彼女の聴力は年齢とともに徐々に低下している)

3. “Acoustics” (音響学)
– 音の発生、伝播、吸収に関する物理学の一分野
– 例:”The acoustics of the concert hall were designed for optimal sound quality.”(そのコンサートホールの音響は最適な音質を実現するよう設計されている)

4. “Audiometry” (聴力測定)
– 聴覚能力を測定するための検査や技術を指す専門用語
– 例:”Audiometry is essential for diagnosing hearing impairments.”(聴力測定は聴覚障害の診断に欠かせない)

5. “Decibel (dB)” (デシベル)
– 音の強さを表す単位。音圧レベルの相対的な大きさを示す
– 例:”Normal conversation is usually around 60 decibels.”(通常の会話はおおよそ60デシベルである)

6. “Tinnitus” (耳鳴り)
– 外部からの音刺激がないにもかかわらず、耳の中で鳴り続ける音の症状
– 例:”Many people suffering from tinnitus experience a constant ringing sound.”(耳鳴りに悩む多くの人は、常に鳴り続ける音を感じる)

7. “Sound localization” (音源定位)
– 音が発せられた方向や位置を判断する能力
– 例:”Sound localization is crucial for spatial awareness and safety.”(音源定位は空間認識や安全確保にとって重要である)
