


III Choose the most appropriate sentence from the following list (a ~ h) for each item (25~31).

(a) Nevertheless, skeptics argue that unchecked tourism can still lead to resource depletion, regardless of well-intentioned guidelines.
(b) Many communities have also embraced ecotourism models that prioritize low-impact activities, such as guided hikes and wildlife observation.
(c) Some researchers stress that these diverse motivations must be balanced against the need to preserve local culture and ecosystems.
(d) They have also implemented training programs for tour operators to ensure alignment with global sustainability standards.
(e) Moreover, certain campaigns highlight the importance of ethical souvenirs, urging travelers to avoid products made from endangered species.
(f) Critics also emphasize how stark economic disparities may arise if tourism revenue is distributed unevenly.
(g) In the 1990s, international organizations began developing certification systems to reward businesses that adhered to best environmental practices.

Context for Blanks (25–31):

Sustainable tourism has garnered growing attention as travelers become more conscious of their environmental and cultural footprints. Industry experts define the term as a form of travel that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to experience the same destinations. Government agencies and NGOs worldwide have issued guidelines, suggesting everything from energy-efficient accommodations to limits on tourist numbers. (25) A significant challenge emerges when local economic interests collide with ecological or cultural preservation efforts, often resulting in complex policy debates.

Early forms of sustainable tourism can be traced back to the rise of conservation movements in the mid-20th century, when environmental awareness began to influence public opinion on travel. National parks and protected areas played a pivotal role, as they served both educational and recreational purposes. While initial regulations were sometimes inconsistent, they laid the groundwork for more coordinated efforts across various regions. (26) As a result, many travel destinations recognized the potential to diversify their offerings, moving beyond traditional sightseeing tours.

In addition, ethical concerns about wildlife exploitation and cultural commodification sparked new trends in tourism. Many travelers, drawn by the allure of pristine landscapes or unique heritage sites, started seeking immersive experiences that minimized harm and maximized community benefits. (27) Indeed, the rapid growth of these niche tourism markets reflected an evolving mindset wherein responsible travel practices gained moral and commercial traction. Ecotourism operators, for instance, devised strict codes of conduct to ensure minimal disturbance to fragile ecosystems.

Local governments in biodiverse areas responded by enacting stricter environmental protections. Legislators introduced quotas on visitor numbers in sensitive ecosystems, such as coral reefs and rainforests. (28) Not only did these policies aim to curb immediate damage, but they also sought to establish long-term frameworks for sustainable resource use. In regions heavily dependent on tourism revenue, officials balanced economic incentives with conservation goals to varying degrees of success. Community-based initiatives further strengthened this approach by giving local populations a direct role in decision-making.

Despite the progress, challenges remain in implementing sustainable tourism on a global scale. Some destinations, popular for their iconic landscapes or cultural festivities, face overtourism—an overwhelming surge of visitors that strains infrastructure and undermines visitor experience. (29) Additionally, critics caution that well-meaning travelers may inadvertently support exploitative businesses if transparency and regulation are lacking. Transparency mechanisms, such as eco-labels and publicly accessible rating systems, aim to address this concern, but enforcement can be inconsistent.

Technological advancements, including real-time environmental monitoring and data-driven tourist flow management, offer new tools to tackle these issues. By using geolocation data and predictive analytics, authorities can adjust visitor capacities in real time to prevent congestion and damage. (30) Proponents argue that such innovations foster proactive governance, bridging the gap between tourism growth and ecological stewardship. Nevertheless, the reliance on technology raises questions about privacy, access, and potential over-regulation.

Looking toward the future, sustainable tourism appears poised to remain a central topic in global discussions about climate change and social equity. Developing inclusive economic models that equally benefit local communities and preserve cultural identity is a priority. (31) Whether this vision can be realized depends on cooperation across multiple sectors, from airlines implementing carbon offset programs to grassroots activists championing responsible travel campaigns. The balance between economic development and resource conservation continues to shape the evolving narrative of sustainable tourism.


  • (25) → (c)
  • (26) → (g)
  • (27) → (b)
  • (28) → (d)
  • (29) → (f)
  • (30) → (e)
  • (31) → (a)


(25) の解説

Government agencies and NGOs … guidelines … (25) A significant challenge emerges when local economic interests collide…

  • 直前では「政府やNGOが環境や観光客数の制限など、持続可能な観光のためのガイドラインを提示している」とあり、次文では「地元の経済的利益と生態系・文化保護の衝突が複雑な政策論争を引き起こす」という展開が続きます。
  • ここでは、観光の多様な目的やニーズが存在し、それらをどのように均衡させるかという部分が欠けています。
  • (c) Some researchers stress that these diverse motivations must be balanced against the need to preserve local culture and ecosystems. は「観光客・業界・地域社会それぞれの目的(=diverse motivations)を、地域文化や生態系の保護と両立させる必要性」を強調し、次文の「複雑な衝突が起こる」へとつながります。

(26) の解説

While initial regulations were sometimes inconsistent… (26) As a result, many travel destinations recognized…

  • ここでは「初期の規制は不統一だったが、それが次第に広範囲な取り組みの基盤となっていった」という流れ。
  • 次の文で「多くの観光地が自らのツアーの幅を広げるようになった」とあるため、「環境への意識が高まり、統一的な指標や仕組みが整備されていった」ことを指す選択肢がしっくりきます。
  • (g) In the 1990s, international organizations began developing certification systems to reward businesses that adhered to best environmental practices. は「国際機関が環境に配慮した事業者を認証・奨励するシステムを作り始めた」という事実を示し、それが観光地の取り組みを後押しして“diversify their offerings”につながったと考えられます。

(27) の解説

Many travelers … started seeking immersive experiences … (27) Indeed, the rapid growth…

  • 直前では「観光客が ‘プリスティンな風景’ や ‘ユニークな文化遺産’ を求めて、倫理的・コミュニティ重視の体験を望むようになった」と述べています。
  • 次文では「こうしたニッチな観光市場が急成長を遂げ、責任ある旅行慣行が広まった」とあるため、(27) にはそれをさらに具体化する文、すなわち「エコツーリズムなどの形態を導入するコミュニティや事業者」の話が最適です。
  • (b) Many communities have also embraced ecotourism models that prioritize low-impact activities, such as guided hikes and wildlife observation. が、「地域社会がエコツーリズムを採用し、自然に配慮したアクティビティを提供している」という具象例となり、次の文 “Indeed, the rapid growth…” へつながります。

(28) の解説

Legislators introduced quotas on visitor numbers … (28) Not only did these policies aim to curb immediate damage…

  • ここでは「地方政府が法規制(レギュレーター)を強化し、観光客数の上限を設定するなどの措置を実施した」とあります。
  • 次文で「このような政策は即時的な損害を食い止めるだけでなく、資源の長期的な利用枠組みを確立する狙いもあった」と述べているので、ここには「規制を補完・実行するための具体的な取り組み」が入ると文脈がスムーズ。
  • (d) They have also implemented training programs for tour operators to ensure alignment with global sustainability standards. は「ツアー事業者向けの研修プログラムを実施し、世界的なサステナビリティ基準に合わせられるようにしている」という具体策で、法的規制だけでなく実務レベルの対策にも言及しており流れが良好です。

(29) の解説

Some destinations … face overtourism… (29) Additionally, critics caution that well-meaning travelers…

  • ここでは「一部の人気観光地がオーバーツーリズムに苦しんでいる」と述べており、次文では「善意で旅行している人々が、実は搾取的な事業を支援しているかもしれない」と警鐘を鳴らす内容に繋がります。
  • 経済的不公平の観点が合流すると自然です。つまり「観光収益が偏在してしまう」といった問題を指摘する文が挟まると流れがより具体化されます。
  • (f) Critics also emphasize how stark economic disparities may arise if tourism revenue is distributed unevenly. は「観光収益が不均衡に分配されると、大きな経済格差が生じる可能性がある」という指摘で、オーバーツーリズムや“exploitative businesses”との関連を補強します。

(30) の解説

By using geolocation data … authorities can adjust visitor capacities… (30) Proponents argue that such innovations…

  • 直前では「テクノロジーを使ってリアルタイムで観光客数を制御する試み」が説明されています。
  • 次文で「こうした革新が観光の成長と生態系保護とのギャップを埋める、と擁護者は主張する」とあるため、(30) には「テクノロジーで環境保護を促す具体的事例や思想」が望ましいです。
  • (e) Moreover, certain campaigns highlight the importance of ethical souvenirs, urging travelers to avoid products made from endangered species.
    • これは一見「テクノロジー」との直接的な連関は薄そうですが、文脈としては「観光を持続可能にするためのさまざまな取り組み」への言及として、テック活用の話題をさらに広げ「旅行者が気をつけるべき点」を補足し、**“Proponents argue…”**につながる形が作れます。
    • ディスコースマーカー “Moreover,” で「他にもこんな事例がある」と追加の例を提示しつつ、テクノロジー面の新しい手法と合わせて、倫理的お土産という実践的な側面も強調することができるため、(30)に置くのが自然です。

(31) の解説

Developing inclusive economic models … is a priority. (31) Whether this vision can be realized depends on cooperation…

  • ここでは「地域社会や文化的アイデンティティを守りつつ、経済的恩恵を公平に享受するモデルを作ることが大切」という文脈の直後です。
  • (31) で「そのビジョンが実現可能かどうかは、多方面の協力にかかっている」と続くので、ここには「しかしながら、それを疑問視する声もある」という締めくくり的議論がぴったり合います。
  • (a) Nevertheless, skeptics argue that unchecked tourism can still lead to resource depletion, regardless of well-intentioned guidelines.
    • “Nevertheless” で「それでも懐疑的な声がある」という対比を導入し、「ルールがあっても観光を野放しにすれば資源が枯渇する」と警鐘を鳴らす文となり、次の文 “Whether this vision can be realized…” への流れを自然に形成します。


Sustainable tourism has garnered growing attention as travelers become more conscious of their environmental and cultural footprints. Industry experts define the term as a form of travel that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to experience the same destinations. Government agencies and NGOs worldwide have issued guidelines, suggesting everything from energy-efficient accommodations to limits on tourist numbers. (25) Some researchers stress that these diverse motivations must be balanced against the need to preserve local culture and ecosystems. A significant challenge emerges when local economic interests collide with ecological or cultural preservation efforts, often resulting in complex policy debates.

Early forms of sustainable tourism can be traced back to the rise of conservation movements in the mid-20th century, when environmental awareness began to influence public opinion on travel. National parks and protected areas played a pivotal role, as they served both educational and recreational purposes. While initial regulations were sometimes inconsistent, they laid the groundwork for more coordinated efforts across various regions. (26) In the 1990s, international organizations began developing certification systems to reward businesses that adhered to best environmental practices. As a result, many travel destinations recognized the potential to diversify their offerings, moving beyond traditional sightseeing tours.

In addition, ethical concerns about wildlife exploitation and cultural commodification sparked new trends in tourism. Many travelers, drawn by the allure of pristine landscapes or unique heritage sites, started seeking immersive experiences that minimized harm and maximized community benefits. (27) Many communities have also embraced ecotourism models that prioritize low-impact activities, such as guided hikes and wildlife observation. Indeed, the rapid growth of these niche tourism markets reflected an evolving mindset wherein responsible travel practices gained moral and commercial traction. Ecotourism operators, for instance, devised strict codes of conduct to ensure minimal disturbance to fragile ecosystems.

Local governments in biodiverse areas responded by enacting stricter environmental protections. Legislators introduced quotas on visitor numbers in sensitive ecosystems, such as coral reefs and rainforests. (28) They have also implemented training programs for tour operators to ensure alignment with global sustainability standards. Not only did these policies aim to curb immediate damage, but they also sought to establish long-term frameworks for sustainable resource use. In regions heavily dependent on tourism revenue, officials balanced economic incentives with conservation goals to varying degrees of success. Community-based initiatives further strengthened this approach by giving local populations a direct role in decision-making.

Despite the progress, challenges remain in implementing sustainable tourism on a global scale. Some destinations, popular for their iconic landscapes or cultural festivities, face overtourism—an overwhelming surge of visitors that strains infrastructure and undermines visitor experience. (29) Critics also emphasize how stark economic disparities may arise if tourism revenue is distributed unevenly. Additionally, critics caution that well-meaning travelers may inadvertently support exploitative businesses if transparency and regulation are lacking. Transparency mechanisms, such as eco-labels and publicly accessible rating systems, aim to address this concern, but enforcement can be inconsistent.

Technological advancements, including real-time environmental monitoring and data-driven tourist flow management, offer new tools to tackle these issues. By using geolocation data and predictive analytics, authorities can adjust visitor capacities in real time to prevent congestion and damage. (30) Moreover, certain campaigns highlight the importance of ethical souvenirs, urging travelers to avoid products made from endangered species. Proponents argue that such innovations foster proactive governance, bridging the gap between tourism growth and ecological stewardship. Nevertheless, the reliance on technology raises questions about privacy, access, and potential over-regulation.

Looking toward the future, sustainable tourism appears poised to remain a central topic in global discussions about climate change and social equity. Developing inclusive economic models that equally benefit local communities and preserve cultural identity is a priority. (31) Nevertheless, skeptics argue that unchecked tourism can still lead to resource depletion, regardless of well-intentioned guidelines. Whether this vision can be realized depends on cooperation across multiple sectors, from airlines implementing carbon offset programs to grassroots activists championing responsible travel campaigns. The balance between economic development and resource conservation continues to shape the evolving narrative of sustainable tourism.


(25) 一部の研究者は、こうした多様な目的を、地域の文化や生態系の保護と両立させる必要性を強調している。

(26) 1990年代になると、国際機関が環境保護に最適な取り組みを行う事業者を認証・奨励するシステムを開発し始めた。

(27) 多くの地域社会は、ガイド付きハイキングや野生生物ウォッチングなど、環境への影響を抑えたアクティビティを重視するエコツーリズムのモデルを取り入れている。

(28) また、世界的なサステナビリティ基準に合致させるべく、ツアー事業者を対象にした研修プログラムを実施し始めた。

(29) 批評家たちは、観光収益が不均衡に分配される場合には、顕著な経済格差が生じる可能性があるとも指摘している。

(30) さらに、一部のキャンペーンでは、絶滅危惧種を材料とした製品を避けるよう旅行者に呼びかけるなど、倫理的なお土産の重要性も強調している。

(31) それでも、懐疑的な見方をする人々は、いかにガイドラインが善意のものであっても、野放図な観光が続けば最終的には資源の枯渇につながる可能性があると主張している。