


III Choose the most appropriate sentence from the following list (a ~ h) for each item (25~31).

Mark your choices on the separate answer sheet.

(a) According to Roth, the push for uniform global policies can inadvertently suppress local cultural expressions on the internet.
(b) Critics warn that such a reliance on automated moderation risks promoting a monolithic worldview.
(c) For instance, short forms of expressions once deemed inappropriate by traditional standards have evolved into new forms of netiquette.
(d) In turn, these dialogues raise questions about the ethical responsibilities of technology corporations to protect user rights.
(e) At the same time, local governments often collaborate with technology firms to develop guidelines tailored to regional needs.
(f) As a result, language standardization efforts collided with sociopolitical movements, shaping how users navigate digital platforms.
(g) Nevertheless, it remains unclear how far-reaching this homogenization can be, given the internet’s decentralized structure.
(h) This mirrors the historical trend in which newly formed nation-states sought to unify disparate communities through a single official language.

Context for Blanks (25–31):

Digital sociolinguistics offers a lens through which we can analyze how online forums, social media platforms, and instant messaging tools reflect evolving speech norms. (25) Over the past few decades, researchers have increasingly turned to digital spaces to understand the interplay between language, power, and identity. Thomas Carter, a pioneer in the field, argued that the emergence of global online networks intensifies language contact, leading to novel hybrid forms and rapid lexical borrowing. By examining these phenomena, digital sociolinguists uncover patterns of language change and cultural influence that go beyond geographical barriers. (26) In many respects, the anonymity and immediacy of digital communication can foster linguistic creativity while simultaneously imposing new social pressures. Some scholars highlight that these pressures align with established hierarchies in the offline world, where dominant language varieties continue to exercise power over minority dialects or lesser-known languages.

Historical parallels can be drawn between the regulatory impulses of nation-states in the 19th century and the policies of modern technology conglomerates. (27) The drive to standardize language and regulate speech in online spaces often emerges from concerns about misinformation, hate speech, and the protection of user privacy. Diane Roth, in her comparative study of digital governance, observes that large internet platforms increasingly rely on automated systems and AI-driven moderation tools to enforce community guidelines. (28) Consequently, debates arise about the extent to which these algorithms may inadvertently homogenize global communication, sidelining regional expressions and cultural nuances. The situation echoes earlier centralizing efforts by imperial powers, which sought uniformity in official discourse and systematically marginalized local vernaculars for political and administrative convenience.

To illustrate this, one can examine the evolution of net speak—abbreviations, emojis, and memes—across different linguistic communities. Once ridiculed as mere slang, such digital artifacts now permeate scholarly discourse and advertising campaigns alike, reflecting shifts in language prestige. (29) Official agencies in various countries have begun discussing policies on digital language education, focusing on the implications of widespread multilingual communication among youth. In this context, the role of English as a global lingua franca remains pivotal, but other languages are gaining traction through localized content creation. (30) Similar to how earlier governments promoted standardized national languages, today’s policy-makers and tech giants might prioritize certain dialects or scripts for practical or ideological reasons, which could further shape digital language use in the coming decades.

Indeed, digital environments are not neutral arenas; they are constructed spaces governed by terms-of-service agreements, community norms, and algorithmic filtering. (31) These underlying structures often dictate the kinds of interactions users can have, what dialects or language varieties are deemed acceptable, and how content circulates globally. While some see this governance as necessary for maintaining a civil discourse, others argue it risks privileging certain voices and forms of expression. Ultimately, digital sociolinguistics challenges us to interrogate the balance between fostering free expression and safeguarding online communities from harmful behavior. Understanding the interplay between regulation and linguistic diversity in virtual spaces remains crucial for envisioning an inclusive and vibrant future for global digital communication.


(25) → (c)
(26) → (d)
(27) → (h)
(28) → (b)
(29) → (e)
(30) → (g)
(31) → (a)



(25) の解説

Digital sociolinguistics … reflect evolving speech norms. (25) Over the past few decades, researchers…

  • 空所(25)の直前では「オンライン上での言語規範の変化」を述べています。直後には「過去数十年間で研究者がデジタル空間に注目してきた」という流れがあります。
  • したがって、(25)では「具体的な変化の一例」や「オンライン言語使用の新形態」に触れる内容が適切でしょう。
  • 選択肢(c) For instance, short forms of expressions once deemed inappropriate by traditional standards have evolved into new forms of netiquette. は「具体例の提示」を行い、伝統的には不適切とされた短縮表現が今や“netiquette”として確立している、という内容で「言語規範の変化」の具体例として流れが自然につながります。


(26) の解説

By examining these phenomena… uncover patterns of language change… (26) In many respects, the anonymity…

  • ここでは「デジタル社会言語学が言語変化や文化的影響を明らかにする」という文脈に続き、次の文で「デジタルコミュニケーションの匿名性と即時性」がもたらす社会的プレッシャーが言及されています。
  • (26) には、「こうした現象の分析から派生する、ある種の問題提起や議論」に言及する文が自然です。
  • 選択肢(d) In turn, these dialogues raise questions about the ethical responsibilities of technology corporations to protect user rights. は、「これらの現象(= デジタル言語変化や力学)を考察することで、テクノロジー企業の倫理的責任に関する疑問が浮かび上がる」という流れを作り、「次の文で示される社会的プレッシャー」をより包括的に論じるステップとなります。


(27) の解説

Historical parallels … the 19th century … (27) The drive to standardize…

  • ここは「19世紀の国家による規制」と「現代のテック企業」の類似点(歴史的並行関係)を示す文脈。
  • (27) では、「こうした類似点はまさに歴史的なトレンドを反映している」という指摘が自然。
  • 選択肢(h) This mirrors the historical trend in which newly formed nation-states sought to unify disparate communities through a single official language. が「19世紀に新興国家が単一公用語でまとまりを図った歴史的動向」を示し、「ここでいう歴史的並行関係」の説明となります。


(28) の解説

Diane Roth … rely on automated systems … (28) Consequently, debates arise …

  • (28) は「AI駆動のモデレーション(自動化された検閲や監視)に頼るとどうなるか」という論点への直接的な指摘が自然です。
  • 選択肢(b) Critics warn that such a reliance on automated moderation risks promoting a monolithic worldview. は、「自動モデレーションに頼りすぎると、多様性が損なわれ、画一的な世界観を助長する可能性がある」という批判的視点を提示し、その結果として「この問題について議論が起こる」という流れを後段 “Consequently, debates arise …” ときれいにつなぎます。


(29) の解説

Once ridiculed … net speak … (29) Official agencies … multilingual communication among youth.

  • (29) の前文では「ネットスラングなどが社会的評価を得つつある」点が述べられ、直後には「各国の政府機関がデジタル言語教育をめぐる政策を検討している」と続きます。
  • ここでは「ローカルな視点、地域ごとの取り組み」への言及が自然につながりそうです。
  • 選択肢(e) At the same time, local governments often collaborate with technology firms to develop guidelines tailored to regional needs. は「地域のニーズに合わせたガイドラインを共同開発している」という文で、各国の公的機関がデジタル言語政策に取り組む文脈と合致します。


(30) の解説

Similar to how earlier governments … standard languages … (30) Indeed, digital environments…

  • ここでは「昔の政府が標準語を推進したのと同様、現代の政策立案者や巨大IT企業も何らかの言語政策を優先している」という文に続き、次文で「デジタル環境は中立ではない」と論が進みます。
  • (30)では「標準化による均質化がどこまで及ぶのか不明」というニュアンスを挟むと自然。
  • 選択肢(g) Nevertheless, it remains unclear how far-reaching this homogenization can be, given the internet’s decentralized structure. が「インターネットが分散型構造である以上、このような均質化がどこまで進むかは不透明」という内容で、文脈にピッタリです。


(31) の解説

Indeed, digital environments … governed by … (31) These underlying structures often dictate…

  • ここでは「デジタル空間は中立の場ではない」と説明したうえで、空所のあと「こうした根底の構造がユーザーのやりとりや言語使用を左右する」と続くため、(31)は「デジタル空間における均質化や統一規格推進」が多様性を脅かす可能性を示唆する文が入ると流れがスムーズ。
  • 選択肢(a) According to Roth, the push for uniform global policies can inadvertently suppress local cultural expressions on the internet. が「グローバルな統一基準を推し進めるとローカル文化表現を抑圧し得る」という論点を指摘し、「こうした構造が(次の文の)やり取りや内容配信を規定する」という帰結につながります。

よって、(31) は(a)が自然です。

使われなかった選択肢 (f) について

(f) As a result, language standardization efforts collided with sociopolitical movements, shaping how users navigate digital platforms.

  • 歴史的文脈や社会運動に触れてはいるものの、本文中で空所となる箇所では「社会運動との衝突」という具体的ディテールを扱う流れが明確ではなく、(f) は入りにくい構造になっています。そのため本問では不使用(ダミー選択肢)となります。


Digital sociolinguistics offers a lens through which we can analyze how online forums, social media platforms, and instant messaging tools reflect evolving speech norms. (25) For instance, short forms of expressions once deemed inappropriate by traditional standards have evolved into new forms of netiquette. Over the past few decades, researchers have increasingly turned to digital spaces to understand the interplay between language, power, and identity. Thomas Carter, a pioneer in the field, argued that the emergence of global online networks intensifies language contact, leading to novel hybrid forms and rapid lexical borrowing. By examining these phenomena, digital sociolinguists uncover patterns of language change and cultural influence that go beyond geographical barriers. (26) In turn, these dialogues raise questions about the ethical responsibilities of technology corporations to protect user rights. In many respects, the anonymity and immediacy of digital communication can foster linguistic creativity while simultaneously imposing new social pressures. Some scholars highlight that these pressures align with established hierarchies in the offline world, where dominant language varieties continue to exercise power over minority dialects or lesser-known languages.

Historical parallels can be drawn between the regulatory impulses of nation-states in the 19th century and the policies of modern technology conglomerates. (27) This mirrors the historical trend in which newly formed nation-states sought to unify disparate communities through a single official language. The drive to standardize language and regulate speech in online spaces often emerges from concerns about misinformation, hate speech, and the protection of user privacy. Diane Roth, in her comparative study of digital governance, observes that large internet platforms increasingly rely on automated systems and AI-driven moderation tools to enforce community guidelines. (28) Critics warn that such a reliance on automated moderation risks promoting a monolithic worldview. Consequently, debates arise about the extent to which these algorithms may inadvertently homogenize global communication, sidelining regional expressions and cultural nuances. The situation echoes earlier centralizing efforts by imperial powers, which sought uniformity in official discourse and systematically marginalized local vernaculars for political and administrative convenience.

To illustrate this, one can examine the evolution of net speak—abbreviations, emojis, and memes—across different linguistic communities. Once ridiculed as mere slang, such digital artifacts now permeate scholarly discourse and advertising campaigns alike, reflecting shifts in language prestige. (29) At the same time, local governments often collaborate with technology firms to develop guidelines tailored to regional needs. Official agencies in various countries have begun discussing policies on digital language education, focusing on the implications of widespread multilingual communication among youth. In this context, the role of English as a global lingua franca remains pivotal, but other languages are gaining traction through localized content creation. (30) Nevertheless, it remains unclear how far-reaching this homogenization can be, given the internet’s decentralized structure. Similar to how earlier governments promoted standardized national languages, today’s policy-makers and tech giants might prioritize certain dialects or scripts for practical or ideological reasons, which could further shape digital language use in the coming decades.

Indeed, digital environments are not neutral arenas; they are constructed spaces governed by terms-of-service agreements, community norms, and algorithmic filtering. (31) According to Roth, the push for uniform global policies can inadvertently suppress local cultural expressions on the internet. These underlying structures often dictate the kinds of interactions users can have, what dialects or language varieties are deemed acceptable, and how content circulates globally. While some see this governance as necessary for maintaining a civil discourse, others argue it risks privileging certain voices and forms of expression. Ultimately, digital sociolinguistics challenges us to interrogate the balance between fostering free expression and safeguarding online communities from harmful behavior. Understanding the interplay between regulation and linguistic diversity in virtual spaces remains crucial for envisioning an inclusive and vibrant future for global digital communication.


(25) 例えば、伝統的には不適切と見なされていた短縮表現の一部が、今では新たなネット上のエチケット(ネチケット)として定着してきている。
(26) そうした議論を踏まえると、テクノロジー企業がユーザーの権利を保護する上でどのような倫理的責任を負うかという問題が浮上してくる。

(27) これは、当時新たに成立した国民国家が、単一の公用語を用いてさまざまな共同体をまとめようとした歴史的な流れを反映している。
(28) 批評家たちは、このように自動モデレーションに依存しすぎると、単一的な世界観を助長しかねないと警鐘を鳴らす。

(29) 同時に、地域ごとのニーズに合わせたガイドラインを開発するため、地方自治体がテクノロジー企業と連携する例も少なくない。
(30) それでも、インターネットが分散型の構造を持つことを踏まえると、この均質化がどこまで広がるかは依然不透明な部分が大きい。

(31) ロスによれば、世界的な基準を一律に導入しようとする動きは、結果的に地域文化の表現を抑圧してしまう可能性があるという。