


「brat」という言葉をご存知だろうか。従来は「わがままな子供」という否定的な意味で使われてきたこの言葉が、2024年、全く新しい意味を獲得した。英国の歌手Charli XCXの影響で、「自信に満ち、独立心があり、快楽主義的な態度を持つ人」を表す言葉として生まれ変わったのだ。▼Charli XCXによれば、「bratな人」とは「少し乱れていて、パーティーが好きで、時々バカなことを言う。でも、それが自分らしさ。精神的に参ってしまうこともあるけれど、それでもパーティーを通して乗り越える」という。まさに、完璧を求めすぎない、等身大の自分を受け入れる生き方を表現している。▼この新しい意味での「brat」は、SNSを中心に急速に広がった。特に注目すべきは、アメリカのカマラ・ハリス副大統領の選挙キャンペーンにまで影響を与えたことだ。若い世代の心をつかむため、彼女のソーシャルメディアは「brat」なイメージへと一新された。▼実は、2024年のCollins辞書の新語リストには、Z世代(1995年から2012年生まれ)の影響が色濃く表れている。「delulu」(非現実的な期待を持つ人)や「yapping」(どうでもいい話を長々とすること)など、TikTokで人気の言葉が多く選ばれた

【英語訳】What is the meaning of “brat”? “Brat” is Collins Dictionary’s Word of 2024

Do you know the word “brat”? This word, traditionally used negatively to mean “spoiled child,” acquired a completely new meaning in 2024. Under the influence of British singer Charli XCX, it was reborn as a term describing “someone who is confident, independent, and has a hedonistic attitude.”

According to Charli XCX, a “brat” is “someone who’s a bit messy, loves to party, and sometimes says silly things. But that’s who they are. They might have mental breakdowns sometimes, but they get through it by partying.” This perfectly expresses a way of living that accepts oneself without striving for perfection.

This new meaning of “brat” spread rapidly, especially on social media. Notably, it even influenced U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’s election campaign, where her social media presence was revamped with a “brat” image to appeal to younger generations.

In fact, Collins Dictionary’s 2024 new words list heavily reflects Gen Z’s influence (those born between 1995-2012). Many TikTok-popular terms were selected, including “delulu” (someone with unrealistic expectations) and “yapping” (talking endlessly about trivial matters).

Language evolves with time. The transformation of “brat” shows how young people are moving away from perfectionism and creating new values that affirm self-authenticity. This “brat” mindset might even help create more humanistic organizational cultures in workplaces.

We often tend to be critical rather than trying to understand new words and youth culture. However, as the example of “brat” teaches us, these changes might sometimes mirror new social values emerging in our society.
