


英語で「食い逃げ」を表す言葉に「dine and dash(ダイン・アンド・ダッシュ)」がある。直訳すると「食事して逃げる」という意味だが、実際には「レストランで食事をした後、支払いをせずに逃げ出す行為」を指す▼最近、沖縄のそば店「沖縄そば峰」のSNS投稿が話題になった。家族5人が会計を忘れて帰ったという内容だが、リプライ欄では「食い逃げなのに優しい」「うっかりミスということもよくある」など、様々な意見が飛び交った▼この事例は、「食い逃げ」の定義の曖昧さを浮き彫りにしている。故意に支払いを逃れる悪質な行為なのか、それとも単なる不注意なのか。その境界線は時に非常に微妙だ▼アメリカでは、「dine and dash」は重大な犯罪とみなされ、罰金や禁固刑の対象となることもある。一方で、日本では「うっかり」の可能性も考慮され、店側が穏便な対応を取ることも少なくない▼私自身、海外旅行中に言葉の壁や慣れない支払いシステムに戸惑い、一瞬「食い逃げ」と疑われそうになった経験がある。幸い、店員の機転で事なきを得たが、文化や習慣の違いが思わぬ誤解を生む可能性を痛感した▼もちろん、故意の「食い逃げ」は許されない行為だ。しかし、「沖縄そば峰」の対応のように、まずは善意を前提に対処することも大切だろう。時に「食い逃げ」も誤解の産物となる。そんな柔軟な対応も、多様性を尊重する現代社会では必要なのかもしれない。


The Fine Line of “Dine and Dash”

In English, there’s a phrase “dine and dash” that literally means “to eat and run away,” but actually refers to the act of leaving a restaurant without paying after having a meal.

Recently, a social media post by “Okinawa Soba Mine,” a soba restaurant in Okinawa, became a topic of discussion. The post mentioned that a family of five had left without paying, forgetting to settle their bill. The reply section was filled with various opinions, such as “It’s dine and dash, but they’re being kind about it” and “Such oversights happen often.”

This case highlights the ambiguity in defining “dine and dash.” Is it a malicious act deliberately avoiding payment, or simply an act of carelessness? The line between the two can sometimes be very thin.

In the United States, “dine and dash” is considered a serious crime, potentially resulting in fines or imprisonment. In Japan, however, the possibility of it being an “honest mistake” is often considered, and restaurants frequently handle such situations discreetly.

I myself have experienced a moment of almost being suspected of “dining and dashing” while traveling abroad, confused by language barriers and unfamiliar payment systems. Fortunately, thanks to a quick-thinking staff member, the situation was resolved. This experience made me acutely aware of how cultural and customary differences can lead to unexpected misunderstandings.

Of course, intentional “dining and dashing” is an unacceptable act. However, it might be important to approach such situations with the presumption of good faith, as “Okinawa Soba Mine” did. Sometimes, apparent cases of “dining and dashing” can be products of misunderstanding. Such flexible responses may be necessary in our modern society that values diversity.
