


 俳優の西田敏行さんが76歳で永眠された。死因は「ischemic heart disease(イスケミック・ハート・ディジーズ)」、日本語では虚血性心疾患と呼ばれる病気だった▼この病名の「ischemic(イスケミック)」は、ギリシャ語の「ischein(止める)」と「haima(血液)」に由来する。つまり、心臓の血流が不足してしまう状態を指す。西田さんの心臓も、静かに、しかし確実にこの病と向き合っていたのだろう▼西田さんといえば、国民的人気を誇った映画シリーズ「釣りバカ日誌」のハマちゃん役で知られる。彼が演じた釣り好きのサラリーマンの姿は、多くの人々の心に深く刻まれている▼虚血性心疾患は、欧米では「coronary artery disease(コロナリー・アーテリー・ディジーズ)」とも呼ばれる。冠状動脈の病気という意味だ。まるで王冠のように心臓を取り巻くこの動脈が詰まると、心筋梗塞などの重篤な状態に陥る▼西田さんは、ドラマ「池中玄太80キロ」でも主演を務めた。80キロの減量に挑戦する役柄だったが、現実の健康管理はそう簡単ではなかったのかもしれない▼「釣りバカ日誌」で、西田さんは温厚で愛すべきハマちゃんを見事に演じきった。彼の独特の声と表情、そして心温まる演技は、今も多くの人々の記憶に鮮明に残っている。彼の遺した作品を通じて、人生の豊かさと同時に、健康の大切さも再認識させられる。西田さんの温かな笑顔を忘れず、自身の健康にも目を向けていきたい。

【英語訳】”The Silent Alarm of the Heart”

Actor Toshiyuki Nishida passed away at the age of 76. The cause of death was “ischemic heart disease,” a condition known in Japanese as kyoketsusei shinsikkan.

The term “ischemic” in this disease name originates from the Greek words “ischein” (to stop) and “haima” (blood). In other words, it refers to a state where blood flow to the heart is insufficient. Nishida’s heart must have been quietly yet certainly confronting this disease.

Nishida was best known for his role as Hama-chan in the nationally popular movie series “Tsuribaka Nisshi” (Fishing Fool’s Diary). His portrayal of a fishing-loving salaryman is deeply etched in the hearts of many people.

Ischemic heart disease is also called “coronary artery disease” in Western countries. It means a disease of the coronary arteries. When these arteries, which surround the heart like a crown, become blocked, it can lead to severe conditions such as myocardial infarction.

Nishida also starred in the drama “Ikenaka Genta 80 Kilo,” where he played a character attempting to lose 80 kilos. Perhaps managing his real-life health wasn’t as simple.

In “Tsuribaka Nisshi,” Nishida perfectly portrayed the gentle and lovable Hama-chan. His unique voice, expressions, and heartwarming performances remain vivid in the memories of many people. Through his works, we are reminded not only of the richness of life but also of the importance of health. Let’s remember Nishida’s warm smile and pay attention to our own health as well.
