
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<13>”NASA’s Groundbreaking Discovery on Mars”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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NASA’s Groundbreaking Discovery on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars, capturing a rock that potentially harbors signs of ancient microbial life. The rock, nicknamed “Cheyava Falls,” was collected from an area believed to be a former river valley within Jezero Crater, a region scientists think once contained large bodies of water billions of years ago.
Examinations using the rover’s advanced instruments revealed chemical signatures and structures that could have been formed by life in the distant past. The rock contains organic compounds, which are considered the building blocks of life, although these can also result from non-biological processes.
The sample exhibits intriguing features, including white veins possibly composed of calcium sulfate and reddish lines suggesting the presence of hematite. On Earth, similar rock elements are often associated with fossilized microbes.
While these findings strengthen existing evidence of ancient water activity on Mars, scientists emphasize the need for further research to confirm the presence of microbial life. The Perseverance team has conducted extensive analysis using various instruments, but to fully understand the rock’s origins, they hope to bring the sample back to Earth for more detailed study in advanced laboratories.
This discovery marks a significant step in our quest to unravel the mysteries of Mars’ past and the potential for extraterrestrial life. (211 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What did NASA’s Perseverance rover discover on Mars?
a) A new planet b) A rock with potential signs of ancient life c) A Martian vehicle d) A new crater
(2) What is the nickname of the rock discovered by Perseverance?
a) Red Planet b) Jezero c) Cheyava Falls d) Perseverance Rock
(3) What do the white veins in the rock possibly consist of?
a) Water b) Calcium sulfate c) Hematite d) Organic compounds
(4) What do scientists want to do with the rock sample for further study?
a) Leave it on Mars b) Send it to the Moon c) Bring it back to Earth d) Analyze it on the rover


(1) b) A rock with potential signs of ancient life
(2) c) Cheyava Falls
(3) b) Calcium sulfate
(4) c) Bring it back to Earth

□ rover (探査車) □ groundbreaking (画期的な) □ discovery (発見) □ ancient (古代の) □ microbial (微生物の) □ crater (クレーター)
□ chemical (化学的な) □ signature (特徴) □ organic (有機的な) □ compound (化合物) □ calcium sulfate (硫酸カルシウム)
□ hematite (赤鉄鉱) □ fossilized (化石化した) □ extraterrestrial (地球外の) □ laboratory (研究所) □ unravel (解明する)
□ mystery (謎)
