
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<9>”The Impact of Mass Tourism on Local Communities”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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The Impact of Mass Tourism on Local Communities

In recent years, many popular tourist destinations have been grappling with the consequences of mass tourism. Spain, in particular, has seen widespread protests against the influx of visitors. In Barcelona, some residents have resorted to spraying tourists with water guns, while on the island of Mallorca, thousands took to the streets with banners expressing their frustration.

The primary concern for locals is the rising cost of living. As tourism booms, property prices and rents have skyrocketed, making it increasingly difficult for residents to afford housing in their own communities. This situation is exacerbated by companies purchasing properties to rent to tourists, further driving up prices.

Moreover, the daily lives of locals are being disrupted. Public transportation is often overcrowded with tourists, and popular restaurants are becoming inaccessible to residents. The strain on local infrastructure and services is evident, with some towns struggling to manage increased litter and maintain clean streets.

This phenomenon is not unique to Spain. Other countries, including Japan, Austria, and Mexico, are also seeking ways to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the needs of their local populations. As the debate continues, finding sustainable solutions that satisfy both tourists and residents remains a significant challenge for many destinations worldwide. (211 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What is one way residents in Barcelona have protested against tourists?
a) By holding peaceful marches b) By spraying tourists with water guns
c) By closing restaurants d) By raising property prices

(2) What is the primary concern for locals mentioned in the text?
a) Overcrowded public transportation b) Inaccessible restaurants
c) Rising cost of living d) Increased litter on streets

(3) How are companies contributing to the housing problem?
a) By building new houses b) By lowering rents
c) By purchasing properties to rent to tourists d) By selling properties to locals

(4) According to the text, is this problem unique to Spain?
a) Yes, only Spain faces this issue b) No, other countries are experiencing similar problems
c) The text doesn’t mention other countries d) Only European countries have this problem


近年、多くの人気観光地が大量観光の影響に苦慮しています。特にスペインでは、訪問者の流入に対して広範囲にわたる抗議活動が見られます。バルセロナ では、一部の住民が観光客に水鉄砲を噴射するという行動に出ており、マヨルカ島では何千人もの人々が不満を表すプラカードを掲げて街頭デモを行いました。





(1) b) By spraying tourists with water guns
(2) c) Rising cost of living
(3) c) By purchasing properties to rent to tourists
(4) b) No, other countries are experiencing similar problems


□ tourism (観光) □ destination (目的地) □ consequence (結果) □ protest (抗議) □ influx (流入) □ frustration (不満) □ property (不動産) □ rent (家賃) □ skyrocket (急騰する) □ exacerbate (悪化さ せる) □ disrupt (混乱させる) □ infrastructure (インフラ) □ phenomenon (現象)
□ sustainable (持続可能な) □ debate (議論) □ challenge (課題)
