
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<8>”Eco-Anxiety: A New Health Concern”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Eco-Anxiety: A New Health Concern

More and more young people around the world are experiencing eco-anxiety, a new health problem related to worries about the environment. In the UK, doctors are now being told to talk about climate change with their patients. This means that when you visit a doctor, they might not only check your health but also give you advice on how to help the environment and deal with stress about climate issues.

However, not everyone agrees with this new approach. Some people think doctors should focus only on treating illnesses and not discuss political topics like climate change. They say doctors’ time is limited and should be used for medical treatment only.
The United Nations (UN) says eco-anxiety is a serious problem that’s not getting enough attention. It defines eco-anxiety as stress caused by constant worry about the environment and climate crisis. The UN is especially concerned about how this affects children’s mental health.

Extreme weather events like fires, heat waves, and floods can make people feel anxious, depressed, or traumatized. A UN study found that 59% of young people felt upset about climate change. They reported feeling sad, worried, angry, and helpless.

As this problem grows, doctors and world leaders are trying to figure out the best way to help people deal with eco-anxiety while also providing regular healthcare. (201 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What is eco-anxiety related to?
a) Financial concerns b) Social media c) Environmental worries d) Academic pressure
(2) What are UK doctors being instructed to do?
a) Prescribe more medication b) Talk about climate change
c) Ignore environmental concerns d) Refer patients to specialists
(3) What percentage of young people felt upset about climate change according to the UN study?
a) 29% b) 39% c) 49% d) 59%
(4) What are extreme weather events mentioned as causing?
a) Economic growth b) Political changes c) Anxiety, depression, and trauma d) Improved health









(1) c) Environmental worries
(2) b) Talk about climate change
(3) d) 59%
(4) c) Anxiety, depression, and trauma

□ eco-anxiety (環境不安) □ approach (アプローチ、取り組み方) □ treat (治療する) □ illness (病気) □ define (定義する) □ crisis (危機) □ mental health (精神衛生) □ extreme (極端な) □ traumatized (心的外傷を負った) □ figure out (理解する、解決策を見つける) □ provide (提供する) □ healthcare (医療) □ constant (絶え間ない) □ worried (心配した) □ helpless (無力な)
