
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<7>”The Global E-Waste Crisis”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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2. 時計(ストップウォッチ)を見ながら、英文を最初から最後まで読み、かかった秒数を記録する
3. 設問に解答する
4. 答え合わせをして正解数を確認する


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The Global E-Waste Crisis

The United Nations has recently raised alarm about the growing global problem of electronic waste, or “e-waste”. This term refers to discarded electronic devices, including anything with a plug or battery, such as smartphones, laptops, and household appliances.

According to a UN report, the world generated an astonishing 62 million tons of e-waste in 2022. To put this into perspective, this amount could fill over 1.5 million large trucks, forming a line that would encircle the Earth’s equator.

E-waste poses significant environmental and health risks due to toxic substances like lead and mercury found in many electronic components. Developed countries are the primary source of this waste, often exporting it to less developed nations ill-equipped to handle it safely.

The improper disposal of electronics leads to pollution of water bodies and soil contamination. Last year alone, 58 tons of mercury from e-waste entered the environment, potentially affecting the food chain.

The UN criticizes both manufacturers for not taking responsibility for their products’ lifecycle and consumers for the ease of purchasing electronics compared to the difficulty of disposing of them properly.

This issue highlights the urgent need for better e-waste management practices and increased awareness of responsible consumption. Experts suggest that implementing stricter regulations on electronic production and disposal, promoting recycling initiatives, and educating consumers about the importance of proper e-waste disposal could help mitigate this growing environmental crisis. (228 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What does the term “e-waste” refer to?
a) Paper waste b) Food waste c) Discarded electronic devices d) Plastic waste
(2) How much e-waste did the world generate in 2022?
a) 6.2 million tons b) 62 million tons c) 620 million tons d) 6.2 billion tons
(3) What toxic substances are mentioned as being found in e-waste?
a) Carbon dioxide and oxygen b) Lead and mercury c) Hydrogen and helium d) Nitrogen and phosphorus
(4) Who does the UN criticize regarding the e-waste problem?
a) Only manufacturers b) Only consumers c) Both manufacturers and consumers d) Neither manufacturers nor consumers




この問題は、より良いe-waste管理の実践と責任ある消費に対する意識向上の緊急な必要性を浮き彫りにしています。専門家は、電子機器の生産と処分に関するより厳しい規制の実施、リサイクル initiatives の促進、適切なe-waste処分の重要性について消費者を教育することが、この拡大する環境危機を軽減するのに役立つ可能性があると提案しています。


(1) c) Discarded electronic devices
(2) b) 62 million tons
(3) b) Lead and mercury
(4) c) Both manufacturers and consumers

□ electronic waste (電子廃棄物) □ discard (廃棄する) □ appliance (家電製品) □ generate (生成する) □ perspective (視点) □ equator (赤道)
□ toxic (有毒な) □ substance (物質) □ component (部品) □ dispose (処分する) □ contamination (汚染) □ environment (環境)
□ manufacturer (製造業者) □ consumer (消費者) □ lifecycle (ライフサイクル) □ regulation (規制) □ recycle (リサイクルする) □ initiative (取り組み)
