
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<6>”Social Media and Mental Health: A Growing Concern”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Social Media and Mental Health: A Growing Concern

In recent years, social media has become an integral part of our lives, bringing both advantages and drawbacks. One significant concern is its potential negative impact on mental health, particularly among young people. This issue has caught the attention of U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who is advocating for social media platforms to display mental health warnings.

Dr. Murthy’s primary concern is the algorithms used by these platforms, which often lead adolescents to extreme content of a sexual or violent nature. He argues that such exposure can be harmful to their developing minds. To address this, he proposes implementing warning labels similar to those found on cigarette packages, stating that social media usage is associated with significant mental health risks for teenagers.

Moreover, Dr. Murthy has been campaigning for stricter regulations on social media for some time. He cites research indicating that young people who spend more than three hours daily on social media face twice the risk of experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression. The Surgeon General believes that introducing these warnings could be an effective step in mitigating the mental health crisis among youth, much like how cigarette warnings have helped reduce smoking rates. (196 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What is the main concern about social media mentioned in the text?
a) It’s expensive b) It’s addictive c) It’s impact on mental health d) It’s effect on physical health
(2) Who is advocating for mental health warnings on social media platforms?
a) Mark Zuckerberg b) Vivek Murthy c) Elon Musk d) Jack Dorsey
(3) What type of content is Dr. Murthy particularly concerned about?
a) Educational content b) Political content c) Extreme content of a sexual or violent nature d) Advertising content
(4) According to the research cited, how much daily social media use is associated with increased mental health risks?
a) More than 1 hour b) More than 2 hours c) More than 3 hours d) More than 4 hours


近年、ソーシャルメディアは私たちの生活に不可欠な部分となり、利点と欠点の両方をもたらしています。一つの重要な懸念は、特に若者のメンタルヘルスに対する潜在的な悪影響です。この問題は米国公衆衛生局長官のVivek Murthy博士の注目を集め、彼はソーシャルメディアプラットフォームにメンタルヘルスの警告を表示することを提唱しています。




(1) c) It’s impact on mental health
(2) b) Vivek Murthy
解説:本文によると、米国公衆衛生局長官のVivek Murthy博士がソーシャルメディアプラットフォームにメンタルヘルスの警告を表示することを提唱しています。
(3) c) Extreme content of a sexual or violent nature
(4) c) More than 3 hours


□ integral (不可欠な) □ drawback (欠点) □ impact (影響) □ mental health (メンタルヘルス) □ advocate (提唱する) □ algorithm (アルゴリズム)□ adolescent (青少年) □ exposure (さらすこと) □ implement (実施する) □ regulation (規制) □ anxiety (不安) □ depression (うつ)
□ mitigate (緩和する) □ crisis (危機) □ content (コンテンツ) □ research (研究) □ symptom (症状)
