
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<5>”Why Are Insects Drawn to Light?”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Why Are Insects Drawn to Light?

Have you ever wondered why insects are drawn to light? This phenomenon has puzzled humans since ancient times. Traditionally, people believed that insects simply liked light. However, recent research by scientists at Imperial College London has challenged this long-held assumption.

The study, conducted in a Costa Rican rainforest, reveals that insects use light for navigation. Normally, nocturnal insects rely on moonlight to fly in straight lines. But when artificial lights are introduced, these creatures become disoriented. They fly in confusing patterns, often circling the light source repeatedly.

This misorientation can have severe consequences for insects. It affects their ability to find food, escape predators, and locate mates. Sadly, it can even lead to their death, as seen with bug zappers that exploit this behavior.

The researchers suggest that our previous theories about insects’ attraction to light “might have been wrong.” Instead of being drawn to light out of preference, insects are actually struggling to maintain their flight paths in the presence of unfamiliar light sources.

This discovery highlights the unintended impact of artificial lighting on insect behavior and survival, prompting us to reconsider our understanding of these small but crucial creatures in our ecosystem. (194words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What did people traditionally believe about insects and light?
a) They hated it b) They liked it c) They were afraid of it d) They ignored it
(2) According to the study, what do nocturnal insects normally use for navigation?
a) Stars b) Sun c) Moonlight d) Artificial light
(3) What happens when artificial lights are introduced?
a) Insects fly faster b) Insects become disoriented c) Insects hide d) Insects sleep
(4) What is one consequence of this misorientation for insects?
a) They grow bigger b) They change color c) They find more food d) They struggle to find food




(1) b) They liked it
(2) c) Moonlight
(3) b) Insects become disoriented
(4) d) They struggle to find food


□ phenomenon (現象) □ puzzle (困惑させる) □ assumption (仮定) □ navigate (航行する) □ nocturnal (夜行性の) □ disoriented (方向感覚を失った) □ predator (捕食者) □ mate (交尾相手) □ zapper (殺虫器) □ exploit (利用する) □ artificial (人工の) □ ecosystem (生態系)
□ challenge (挑戦する) □ reveal (明らかにする) □ severe (深刻な) □ consequence (結果) □ survival (生存) □ crucial (重要な)
